Home » Yonmarhanlan XI Merauke Receives visit from PJ Governor of South Papua

Yonmarhanlan XI Merauke Receives visit from PJ Governor of South Papua

by Senaman
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TNI AL, Dispen Marine Corps (Merauke) PW: Marine Battalion Defense Base XI Merauke received a visit from the PJ Governor of South Papua Province Komjen Pol (Purn) Drs. Rudy Sufahriady at Yonmarhanlan XI Mako Jl. Diko 1 Trans Irian Wasur, Kel. Rimba Jaya, Kec. Merauke, Kab. Merauke, South Papua.

The series of visits of the PJ Governor of South Papua Province at Yonmarhanlan XI began with hospitality, followed by shooting Sniper Barret MRAD with a distance of 100 meters and shooting pistols. Also present during the visit were Danrem 174/ATW, Danlantamal XI and Danlanud JA.Dimara.

Danyonmarhanlan XI Marine Major Deni Kusmana expressed his gratitude to the PJ. Governor of Prov. Papua who has taken the time to come to stay in touch at Yonmarhanlan XI.

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