JAYAPURA – The four definitive leaders of the Papuan People’s Representative Council (DPRP), chaired by Denny Henry Bonay (Golkar Party) with Vice Chairman 1 Herlin Beatrix Monim (Nasdem), Vice Chairman II Mukri Hamadi (PDIP) and Supriyadi Laling (PKS) as Vice Chairman III, were officially inaugurated.
The inauguration, which was based on the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs Number of 2024 concerning the Inauguration and Appointment of Leaders of the Papua House of Representatives, took place at the DPRP Plenary Building.
Henry Bonay said that with the implementation of the oath taking or oath promise of the inauguration of the definitive leadership, the Papua DPR for the 2024-2029 term of office has formed one of the organs of the Papua DPR, namely the leadership of the Papua DPR.
“We would like to express our gratitude and highest appreciation to the interim leaders who have been working well, leading meetings, facilitating the formation of council factions, facilitating the drafting of the Papua DPR regulations on Rules of Procedure and Determination of the definitive leadership of the Papua DPR and all parties who have worked hard until this stage takes place well,” Denny said.
He hopes that in carrying out their duties and responsibilities as representatives of the Papuan people, all parties can provide support. So that the development process in Papua can run optimally.
Considering that the Papua DPR is a people’s representative institution that serves as an element of the organizers of the Papua Province Regional Government, which has heavy functions, duties and authorities, we urge all members of the council to be able to unite to fight for the aspirations of the people, and work together with the local government and its staff and the community in organizing regional government, “said Benny.
Interim Chairman Tan Wie Long said the inauguration was in accordance with Article 34 paragraph (3) of Government Regulation Number 12/2018 concerning Guidelines for the Preparation of Rules of Procedure for the Provincial, Regency and City Regional House of Representatives. Where those who are temporary leaders of the Papua DPRP have carried out their duties to lead DPRD meetings, facilitate the formation of factions, facilitate the preparation of DPRD regulations on council rules and process the determination of definitive leaders.
We hope that in the not too distant future, the Draft Rules of Procedure of the Papua DPR can be immediately refined according to the results of facilitation and stipulated in the Plenary Meeting so that it can be promulgated in the regional gazette,” he said during his remarks.
It was said that the oath or promise of the Papua DPR leadership was carried out based on the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs Number of 2024 dated December 17, 2024 concerning the Inauguration of the Appointment of the Papua DPR Leadership.
“We would like to thank all those who have supported our work so far so that we can carry out our duties as interim leaders well,” said Tan Wie Long. PJ Governor, Rames Limbong in his speech conveyed Law Number 23 Year 2014 states that DPRD and regional heads are positioned as regional government organizers who are given the people’s mandate to carry out government affairs submitted to the regions.
So that the relationship between the Regional Head and the DPRD, in this case the Governor and the DPRP, is a working relationship that has an equal position and is a partnership with different functions. The harmonious and synergistic relationship between the DPRP and the Governor is the main key to the success of governance and development in Papua Province,” he said.
The DPRP is currently faced with national issues that have been formulated in the Asta Cita of Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto. But it must also be able to answer the strategic issues of Papua Province, namely health, education, socio-culture and ecology, economy, infrastructure, security stability and governance.
Therefore, it is a reminder of the importance of synergy between the executive and legislative branches. The DPRP as a strategic partner of the Provincial Government has an important role in guarding and directing regional policies, so that Papua’s development vision can be optimally realized.
I invite the new leadership and all DPRP members to continue to strengthen partnerships. Let us work together to overcome the challenges that exist, including in managing limited resources, in order to provide the best service for the people of Papua,” he concluded.