Home » All Parties in Mountainous Papua Must Maintain a Peaceful Situation After the 2024 Regional Election

All Parties in Mountainous Papua Must Maintain a Peaceful Situation After the 2024 Regional Election

by Senaman
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PAPUA – Simultaneous regional head elections (Pilkada) in 2024 in Jayawijaya regency and the province of Papua Mountains and throughout Indonesia were held on November 27. The results of the democratic party are being processed at the Constitutional Court (MK), so all parties are asked to refrain while following the trial information and whatever the results will be accepted gracefully.

Therefore, Theo Hesegem, chairman of the post-election peace coordinator team of the Papua Mountains province, invited all people to maintain regional security stability by not making “additional movements”. This is because a safe and peaceful situation is the main foundation for continued development in all fields.

“In the 2024 election process, it was predicted that there would be potential conflicts in the Papua Mountains region, but we see that the process, both the governor and regent elections, has run well in a safe and smooth situation. Indeed, this part of all parties must give appreciation to the candidates along with the success team and supporters as well as the organizers, even though we know that some areas have friction, but it is not so widespread,” he wrote in a press release to Suara Papua, Saturday (11/1/2025).

Theo Hesegem admits that each candidate realizes that friction will harm the community and all parties, so those who feel aggrieved in the elections have filed a lawsuit to the Constitutional Court. The lawsuit to the Constitutional Court is the choice of each candidate in order to avoid horizontal conflicts that harm civil society and state assets in the Papua Mountains province.

“Those who object have sued the election results in the Constitutional Court, and that is one of their choices and is guaranteed by the Law, so that there is no horizontal conflict that has a detrimental impact on civil society and state assets in the province of Papua Mountains. If it happens, it is clear that the community will experience losses, including fear and trauma. The lawsuit has been submitted to the Constitutional Court, so we follow its progress and what the Constitutional Court’s decision is,” he explained.

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