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Learning through traditional games

by Senaman
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Every era has a distinctive character. Every character is limited by the times. There is nothing wrong with the metamorphosis of children’s games.

It’s not the form of the game, but the value of what is obtained when playing it. Online games for example, there are many educational games that are no less exciting and exciting, which can help children in learning.

Traditional games themselves are no less important, such as congklak, cranklek, hide and seek, gobak sodor, gasing, yoyo, bekel ball, jump rope, snake dragon, and many more. It would be unfortunate if the value-laden traditional games would be completely lost.

“However, the preservation of traditional games will be maintained if we as teachers are willing to utilize them in the context of learning,” said Purnama Sinaga, Head of SMP Negeri 1 Jayapura at SMPN 1 Jayapura.

Purnama said play is one of the rights of children. One of them is traditional games that can teach important skills on endurance, cooperation, and creativity.

“In addition to learning media outside the classroom, utilizing traditional games in children’s education is also its preservation as done by SMP Negeri 1 Jayapura,” he said.

Traditional games have knowledge values that should be preserved especially by a teacher in learning, despite the fact that traditional games are gradually being abandoned.

“Traditional games are one of the biggest parts in a broader framework, namely culture so that it helps students in achieving achievements,” he said.

Learning media with traditional games, said Purnama, can utilize objects that are around. For example, the games of gasingan, kite, yoyo, parachute, and using wood.

“I hope that children today will not forget traditional games to maintain the heritage of Indonesian games so that they will still exist in the future,” he said.

According to Kuntari, traditional games can motivate students to remain enthusiastic in undergoing all forms of learning at school so that they do not miss subjects.

“If it has been introduced, it must be implemented so that it remains sustainable, traditional games are very important to preserve, if not us who else, let’s preserve traditional games,” she said.

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