Home » Joko Guritno Emphasizes the Importance of HR Development Synergy

Joko Guritno Emphasizes the Importance of HR Development Synergy

by Senaman
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Merauke – Assistant I Regional Secretary of South Papua Province, Agustinus Joko Guritno emphasized the importance of synergy in the development of Human Resources (HR) in the province.

This was conveyed when representing the Acting Governor of South Papua, Rudy Sufahriadi delivered remarks as well as closing the launch of the Grand Design of Education Development of South Papua Province in 2025-2045 as well as the 2024 Education Work Meeting. The activity was organized by the Education and Culture Office of South Papua Province at the Halogen Hotel in Merauke.

In his remarks, Guritno expressed his appreciation to all those who had contributed, especially the Head of the South Papua Provincial Education and Culture Office (Disdikbud) and the teachers who had attended this activity.

He emphasized the importance of synergy in the development of South Papua’s Human Resources (HR) as the foundation of the future of the new province that was established in 2022.

Guritno highlighted some of the main achievements and challenges related to education development and governance, including the formation of Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) and filling positions.

Furthermore, the completion of the construction design of the South Papua Governor’s Office, the South Papua House of Representatives (DPR) and the Papuan People’s Assembly (MRP). Then, infrastructure preparation in the provincial capital and housing construction for State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in the Salor Independent Integrated City (KTM) of Kurik District, Merauke Regency.

He said, the importance of the role of teachers in educating the younger generation, both Indigenous Papuans (OAP) and non-OAP. Until now, there are still children who do not have access to proper education.

Then, there needs to be a special education program for children who live in remote areas or in difficult socio-economic conditions. For him, this Grand Design was prepared for education development for the next two decades, 2025-2045.

According to him, Acting Governor Rudy Sufahriadi stated that this document is a strategic guide to improve the quality of education in South Papua, with a focus on empowering indigenous people through education.

Guritno said that collaboration with religious institutions has contributed to education. Then, increasing access and quality of education in rural areas. Through this momentum, he said, the governor’s regulation related to the education system in South Papua is in the finalization stage.

He said the Acting Governor of South Papua, Rudy Sufahriadi, focused on the importance of partiality for OAP through the use of special autonomy funds.

“The Special Autonomy Fund must be used optimally to support education and improve the standard of living of the Papuan people,” he said.

Guritno encouraged all parties, both government and social and religious institutions to work together in realizing real change.

He hopes that the synergy that has been built during the launch and work meeting is expected to continue to have a positive impact on education and community life in South Papua.

For information, the momentum was attended by teachers from four districts in South Papua Province, namely Merauke, Mappi, Boven Digoel, and Asmat Districts.

After delivering remarks Assistant I Secretary of South Papua, Agustinus Joko Guritno accompanied by the Head of South Papua Education and Culture Ignasius Babaga, Chairman of the South Papua MRP, Damianus Katayu beat the tifa signaling the activity was officially closed. In addition, Guritno also released participant identification cards.

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