Home » BPJS Program at Waena Cup 2024: Ensure the Safety of Footballers in Papua

BPJS Program at Waena Cup 2024: Ensure the Safety of Footballers in Papua

by Senaman
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Jayapura – As is generally the case with jobs in certain fields that are guaranteed health and safety as long as they still carry out the responsibilities of the job, the same is true for footballers. As someone who often physically clash and compete with each other, footballers also need health and safety guarantees both on and off the field. 

Especially with footballers who are known for their fragile or easily injured physiques plus a negative lifestyle is not uncommon for footballers, especially in Indonesia, such as what happened to the number 1 goalkeeper of the Indonesian National Team at his time, Kurnia Meiga, it is known that Meiga is currently infected with an eye disease that cannot be cured or treated.

To overcome unwanted things, at least 805 participants from 32 teams competing in the Waena Football tournament, were registered by the committee to get the protection of Work Accident Insurance (JKK) and Death Insurance (JKM). Symbolic Handover of BPJS Employment to former Indonesian National Team Striker / Retainer, Boaz Salossa who is also one of the players in the Waena Cup 2024 football tournament by the Acting Mayor of Jayapura, Frans Pekey. 

The Waena Cup IV tournament is known to be held in commemoration of the anniversary of Kempuang Waena and Jayapura City. The Mayor, Frans Pekey expressed his gratitude to BPJS Ketenagakerjaan who is always present at every opportunity to protect all elements of workers in Jayapura City including athletes. He also advised that participants always maintain sportsmanship with other fellow athletes.

Head of BPJS Employment Papua Jayapura Branch, Hartanhas Pasang Kamase also conveyed the various benefits that athletes can get when they become BPJS Employment participants. Among them are unlimited treatment and costs by medical indications until completion of treatment and recovery. For athletes who have an accident, for example, an injury while competing in the field. 

In addition, if the athlete is known to have died due to a work accident or while competing, the heirs are entitled to JKK compensation of 48 times the last wage reported, this was not conveyed directly by Haryanhas in the tournament. However, if he dies and not because of an accident at work, then compensation is still given but with an amount of Rp. 42 million.

BPJS Employment is here to protect athletes, this is a commitment built by BPJS Employment, especially in Papua Province for athletes from amateur to professional categories. Haryanjas hopes that this can be followed by other sports so that athletes, staff, and coaches can be calm in pursuing and fulfilling their job responsibilities, including clubs if a risk occurs.

Because it has been protected by BPJS Employment so that each can carry out their duties well to achieve achievements at the national and international levels. Tournament athletes who have benefited from the JKK program are Randy C H May from Oricon FC, this athlete reportedly suffered a head injury due to a collision with an opposing player, and Arjen Olua from Celewi FC suffered a head injury due to a collision, the participant was treated at Dian Harapan Hospital with costs borne by BPJS Employment.

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