PAPUA – The Central Papua Province Family Empowerment and Welfare Movement Team in order to welcome Christmas 2024 and New Year 2025 shared love with at least 323 orphanage children in the Nabire area.
According to the Acting Chairperson of the Central Papua Province Empowerment and Family Welfare Movement Team (TP-PKK) Yosina Anwar Damanik, the activity of sharing love with orphanage children is carried out as an effort to be compassionate to these children.
“The activity of sharing love to welcome Christmas 2024 and New Year 2025 is close to Mother’s Day which falls on December 22. We hope they can feel the joy that we feel,” she said, Thursday (26/11).
Yosina Anwar Damanik said the orphanage children they visited had quite diverse social profiles. Not only toddlers, but also school children who have dropped out of school.
In addition, he continued, there are children with disabilities who still have parents but live in rural areas who choose to leave the children so that they receive living expenses and school fees from the Orphanage.
“Some of them still have parents, a number of these children return home to celebrate Christmas with their families. Well, those who do not have this family that we visit so that their longing for family is treated,” he said.
This year the TP-PKK of Central Papua Province reached out to at least 323 children in seven Orphanages or Children’s Social Orphanages (PSAA) as well as Children’s Social Welfare Institutions (LKSA) a.l Muhammadiyah Orphanage in Smoker, Disabled Orphanage in Kalibobo, Gilgal Pesat Nabire Dormitory, LKSA Anugrah in Kalibobo, Santa Helena Orphanage, Siloam Foundation Orphanage, Hadasah Orphanage House LKSA.
During the visit to the orphanage children, the Central Papua Province TP-PKK team at the end of the activity handed over gifts in the form of basic necessities received by the orphanage manager.
According to Yosina Anwar Damanik, children who inhabit a number of orphanages and LKSA in Nabire have a bright future to become the next generation of Nabire Regency, so they must be maintained and supported.
“This cannot be separated from the fact that children are the next generation and assets of the nation, needing serious attention, because the progress and decline of a country will depend on the current and future generations,” she concluded.
Through this activity, children not only get entertainment, but also feel cared for and loved. Activities like this are a tangible manifestation of the spirit of togetherness and solidarity that is the foundation of social development in Central Papua.
This activity is in line with the efforts of the Central Papua Provincial Government through the Social Service, Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection to eradicate poverty and improve the welfare of people in Central Papua.