Home » DPR Central Papua Province Agrees 100% CPNS Must be OAP

DPR Central Papua Province Agrees 100% CPNS Must be OAP

by Senaman
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PAPUA – The House of Representatives (DPR) of Central Papua province has reminded local governments in new autonomous regions (DOB) to prioritize indigenous Papuans in every recruitment of candidates for state civil apparatus (ASN) starting in the 2025 budget year.

Maksimus Takimai, interim chairman of the Central Papua provincial DPR, said that at least two decisions had been made during a hearing meeting of all members of the council with job seekers of Central Papua province, last Friday (20/12/2024).

In the hearing meeting held in the Central Papua DPR courtroom, Maksimus said, the head of the Central Papua province Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM) who was present had also been asked to comply with the decision of the legislature in every recruitment of prospective civil servants (CPNS) must be 100% OAP.

In Nabire, Sunday (22/12/2024) evening, Maksimus Takimai mentioned two decisions in the hearing meeting of the Central Papua DPR with representatives of Central Papua province recruiters.

Kedua, pembentukan panitia khusus (Pansus) tentang 100% prioritas putra-putri asli Papua dalam formasi penerimaan pegawai ASN terhitung tahun 2025.

“Pansus sudah dibentuk setelah rapat audiensi. Dalam Pansus terdiri dari Komisi A dan utusan fraksi tiga-tiga anggota dewan. Di DPR ada empat fraksi. Tugas Pansus akan bekerja maksimal sampai ke Jakarta dan kemudian dalam tahap penyusunan, pembahasan dan penetapan rancangan Perdasus mengenai rekrutmen 100 persen putra daerah. Dengan semangat Undang-undang Otsus Papua, ini harus terjadi, apapun alasannya. Wajib ada keberpihakan kepada rakyat Papua,” jelasnya.

Keputusan tersebut diambil lembaga legislatif dalam rapat audiensi setelah sebelumnya didemo ratusan pencaker yang menyampaikan aspirasinya di halaman kantor DPR provinsi Papua Tengah.

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