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Papua Development Reference Based on Deliberation Results

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Papua, which consists of various tribes, certainly has its own culture which can be implemented in all social activities. The development that is being intensively implemented in Papua cannot be separated from the customs and culture inherent in Indigenous Papuans and their accompanying tribal backgrounds. Development planning certainly requires meetings and discussions. Indigenous Papuans have their own ways of planning things, including development. This method is the same as meetings and discussions but has its own term, namely deliberation. The essence of deliberation activities is a mutually agreed decision to do something together.

Development in Papua refers to Special Autonomy which is implemented as a privilege given to Indigenous Papuans. The main right given is the right to manage all resources owned in Papua. Therefore, development that automatically utilizes all kinds of resources in Papua, both natural resources and human resources, certainly needs to be adapted to what is available in Papua. Deliberation is felt to be the right first step in planning development in Papua. Starting from listening to the complaints of the community, namely Indigenous Papuans and various needs that must be met immediately. Development is also adjusted to national development which is comprehensive all the way to Papua.

The deliberations carried out in planning development in Papua are deliberations on development planning for regional government work plans and special autonomy. The topic discussed in this deliberation was of course development in Papua. Development in Papua begins with ensuring synergy that exists between various stakeholders starting from the government at the national, provincial and regional levels and most importantly the people who need development. The deliberation discussing development in Papua also aims to ensure equitable development that can be felt by the entire community, especially Indigenous Papuans, in accordance with the mandate of the implementation of Special Autonomy in force.

Papua upholds the honor and dignity of the community in implementing development in all fields by ensuring protection for all Indigenous Papuans. Improving the quality of public services is also one of the main points discussed in deliberations for development in Papua. When the quality of public services gets better, development can also follow. Accelerating development without compromising equitable development is one of the things discussed in the Papua development deliberations.

The implementation of Special Autonomy in Papua makes deliberation an important instrument that needs to be carried out in planning development in Papua. Development that is strategic, equitable and carried out quickly according to the needs of the people who are Indigenous Papuans is clearly the main goal of development. Deliberations need to be held in accordance with the needs of the Papuan people. So that when development is underway, all parties can support and assist the development process until the results can be enjoyed.

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