Home » Biak Ultra Cycling Challenge, Cycling Competition While Enjoying the Beauty of Papua

Biak Ultra Cycling Challenge, Cycling Competition While Enjoying the Beauty of Papua

by Senaman
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Papua offers natural conditions that are both stunning and challenging, with the natural landscape appealing to challenge lovers. This is no exception for cycling enthusiasts who want to find a challenging cycling route, as well as athletes who need training for other competitions. At the Biak Ultra Cycling Challenge (BUCC), Papua offers cyclists both beauty and challenge. The beauty of the route of this event makes the 162 km journey even more interesting. The route is from Biak to Supiori Regency and back to Biak. This event was attended by 82 participants from all over Papua, from Biak, Jayapura, Manokwari, Yapen, Waropen, Merauke and Nabire.

The Biak Ultra Cycling Challenge (BUCC) offers a fairly large total prize pool of up to IDR 94,000,000. The total number of achievements is divided into categories. From the age group, namely 15-39 years, 40-49 years, up to 50 years and above. In addition to age category, gender was also taken into account, so there were about 18 winners according to age and gender categories. The presence of prizes is undoubtedly one of the factors that make BUCC attractive to participants. But it turns out that prizes aren’t the main thing that motivates participants to take part in this planned annual cycling competition.

The name Biak Ultra Cycling Challenge (BUCC) is taken from the name of the competition, which aims to select selected athletes from Papua with strong skills to train and participate in future cycling events. Therefore, the age range of 15-39 years is proof that Papuan riders have the opportunity to participate in cycling on behalf of Papua. Top athletes receive rewards and further development if they have the opportunity and interest to compete at the athlete level.

However, this does not mean that everyone involved in BUCC is an athlete. There were also participants who wanted to share their love of cycling while enjoying the natural beauty of the Biak-Supiori Regency route. They are not looking for cash prizes or championships, but want to exercise, maintain health and, of course, find satisfaction both physically through sports and spiritually through the beautiful landscapes they encounter along the way.

The Biak Ultra Cycling Challenge (BUCC) has several advantages that can support Papua’s current potential. First, an opportunity that can be highlighted is the selection process for future cycling athletes who can develop their skills and become Papuan athletes. Second, the tourism potential that can be highlighted is the beauty along the Biak-Supiori Regency road, which is the BUCC route. It is hoped that this event will continue to be held every year as there is a lot of interest and it is good for Papua.

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