by Senaman
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South Papua, Merauke. The arrival of the working visit by Vice President Ma’ruf Amin aims to have the hope that all the people of 6 Papua Provinces can participate and maintain a safe and peaceful political situation ahead of and during the implementation of simultaneous elections on November 27, 2024.

The Vice President also said “This is a mandate of the law for the state to be continuously present to oversee various Papuan development programs so that the results can be felt directly by all people in Papua, including in this South Papua Province.

During his first speech, the vice president expressed his wish that “One of the important agendas of this year, the 2024 General Election, has been carried out. Looking ahead, in less than six months, we will hold simultaneous regional elections,” at the ‘Development Planning and Signing of the First Stone Laying Inscription for the South Papua Provincial Government Facilities and Infrastructure Center’ event in Merauke Regency, South Papua.

Vice President Ma’ruf explained that the policy of regional expansion in Papua is a strategic agenda of the government that we must continue to guard together, both across ministries / agencies, provincial and district / city governments and between other stakeholders. In addition, in encouraging the acceleration of Papuan development and the welfare of Indigenous Papuans (OAP), the government has also formed a Steering Committee for the Acceleration of Papua Special Autonomy Development or the Papua Steering Committee (BPP).

Previously, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Hadi Tjahjanto said there are three provinces in Papua that are prone to security disturbances during the elections. The three provinces that are prone to security disturbances from armed groups are Papua Mountains, Central Papua, and Southwest Papua.

Hadi Tjahjanto said that “Therefore the TNI-Polri will try to anticipate so that the implementation can take place safely and smoothly,” after completing a closed meeting with TNI-Polri leadership elements serving in Papua at Makodam XVII / Cenderawasih.

Finally the Vice President said “We are witnessing the active efforts of the new regional government in providing a big house for the people of South Papua, by carrying out various government institutional preparations and stabilizing strategic development steps in South Papua”.

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