PAPUA – PT Honay Ajkwa Lorentz (AL) together with PT Tambang Mineral Papua (TMP) is building a cement and ceramic factory made from the main raw material of tailings from PT Freeport Indonesia, whose Groundbreaking will be held on Tuesday (14/01/2025) in Timika.
The ceramic factory and cement factory located on Jl. Nabire Mil 32, Samping Mayon 754 Timika, Central Papua, allocates an investment of around Rp 3.1 trillion which is a profit-sharing cooperation between the two parties.
President Director of PT Honay Ajkwa Lorentz (HAL) Fenty Widiyawati, said, “This is one of the ways we support government regulations in environmental preservation, the management we carry out includes the activities of producing, transporting, distributing, storing, using and disposing,” said Fenty Widiyawati, during a press conference at the Medang Room on the 3rd floor of Movenpick Surabaya City, Friday (10/01/2025) accompanied by M. Irsyadul, Deputy Head of Section. Irsyadul, Deputy Head of Logistics Timika PT Honay Ajkwa Lorentz; H. Hamdani, GM of PT Honay Ajkwa Lorentz’ and Melfi Dwi Andayani, Branch Manager of Sidoarjo PT Honay Ajkwa Lorentz.
Previously, a meeting with the media was also held in Jakarta. Fenty explained, this development was motivated by the fact that Papua is still relatively not much ogled by industry players due to inadequate infrastructure.
Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Papua recorded economic growth in the third quarter of 2024 of 1.66 percent year on year (yoy) and 0.85 percent quarter to quarter (qtq).
Fenty explained, the first phase of development will stand on an area of 9 hectares. Prior to the construction of the factory, investors have prepared infrastructure development that can support the operational needs of the factory. Not only that, the two companies are also inviting other investors to join. So far, Hal is still inviting TMP.
“The establishment of this plant is a strategic step to support the government’s sustainable development program. We take tailings management seriously, and this is one of the ways we support the Indonesian government’s regulations in environmental preservation, the management we carry out includes activities to produce, transport, distribute, store, use and dispose,” he explained.
The target at the beginning of the first phase of production starting in 2027 is 21 million tons of cement. It is believed that the existence of a cement and ceramics factory in Papua can reduce the price of cement in Papua.
Currently, his party together with the customary leader Panius Kogoya will carry out groundbreaking and the traditional ceremony of Burning Stones in early February 2025. Prior to the groundbreaking, a series of other agendas have been held such as an investment working meeting in Surabaya on January 6-8, 2025.
“We are currently focusing on recruitment for transhipment of raw materials and infrastructure development. As a start, this project opens 300 job opportunities from a total labor requirement of between 600 to 900 people. In addition, it also ensures that the majority of the workforce comes from the local area. We organize the labor recruitment process with a composition of 80 percent indigenous Papuans (OAP) and 20 percent outside OAP, “concluded H Hamdani as General Manager of PT HAL.