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Papua Pool and Sea Diving Optimistic to Win Gold Medal PON XXI

by Senaman
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Biak – The XXI National Sports Week (PON) Aceh – North Sumatra 2024 is anĀ importantĀ moment for the world of sports in Indonesia. All athletes compete with each other to win this competition. The Papua regional management of the Indonesian Diving Sports Association (POSSI) is optimistic that six diving athletes from Papua will get a gold medal at PON XXI Aceh – North Sumatra 2024.

ItĀ is knownĀ that there are currently six Papuan diving athletes for the pool and sea classes. These athletes have conducted training camps in Jakarta and Jayapura to focus more on practicing to prepare themselves for PON XXI Aceh – North Sumatra. Chairman of Pengda POSSI PapuaĀ JohnĀ H. Mampioper in Biak, said that he had prepared three pool diving athletes in Jakarta, while for the Underwater Orientation (OBA) race number, according to John, five athletes were conducting training camps in Jayapura City. JohnĀ said,Ā thatĀ after around August 2024, Papuan diving athletes for the pool and sea are ready to shift the diving venue to Sabang Island in Aceh.

Competition in sea diving numbers, John H. Mampioper mentioned DKI Jakarta, West Java, and East Java, which made preparations abroad as the strongest competitors.Ā Regarding pool diving athletes,Ā due to limited funds,Ā theyĀ can only conduct training camps in Jakarta and Jayapura.Ā Coupled with PON XXI POSSIĀ PapuaĀ will rely on six young athletes, one of whom is a female athlete from Biak, KeisyaĀ MampioperĀ aged 15 years, which they are targeting to win a gold medal.Ā 

Meanwhile, in which year the Papua pool and sea diving athletes who achieved gold at PON XX were Nadia Kusuma Wardhani, Wahyu Anggoro Tamtomo, and M. Farid Ainun Najib.Ā howĀ do Papua pool and sea diving athletes overcome environmental conditions while preparing for PON XX

Papuan pool and sea diving athletes overcame environmental conditions while preparing for PON XX by usingĀ used training equipment usedĀ since the last West Java PON. They also face the lack of training equipment andĀ the absenceĀ of a national standard pool in Papua.Ā To prepare themselves,Ā they conducted training camps in Jakarta and Jayapura and used their funds for training.Ā In Indonesia itself, this diving sport still needs to be well developed.

Sports Development

Diving as a sport has grown to be very popular among young people. This sport requires a license and special equipment.Ā Diving must also be doneĀ withĀ a variety ofĀ special equipment and supplies, such as swimsuits, swimming goggles, oxygen cylinders, frog legs, and special vests.

Sports Development in Indonesia

In Indonesia,Ā the sport ofĀ diving is still less attractive to the public because they do not know its benefits. However, thanks to dedication and training efforts, diving is starting to be recognized and loved by the public.Ā The establishment ofĀ diving clubs such as Batang Diving Club (BDC) has also helped increase public awareness of the sport.

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