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Papua Governor Appreciates PON XXI Achievements

by Senaman
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JAYAPURA – Acting Governor of Papua, Ramses Limbong continues to give high appreciation for the achievements of Papuan athletes at the National Sports Week or PON XXI Aceh – North Sumatra in 2024.

According to him, the achievement of 19 gold, 26 silver and 23 bronze medals is an achievement that should be appreciated. With minimal preparation, but Papuan athletes can still achieve achievements in the national arena.

Although he missed the target, he considered that the struggle of the Papuan sports ambassadors was maximal. Limbong even flew from Jayapura to Aceh and North Sumatra to motivate the athletes who were struggling.

“PON contingent yesterday we expect the best what they have. If they, for example, yesterday’s target was 42 gold and the result was 19, that’s an achievement,” said Limbong.

He expressed his gratitude to all athletes who have struggled to carry the name of Papua at the four-year sports event. Although only ranked 13th, Limbong still admitted to lifting his hat for the struggle of Papua’s best sons and daughters.

“I said no problem (ranked 13th-ed), because they have fought optimally,” he concluded.

Papua successfully contributed 19 gold medals from several sports, such as Shooting with 5 gold, Swimming 3 gold, then Weightlifting, Sailing, Rock Climbing, Muaythai each contributed 2 gold medals, and Rowing, Diving and Gateball contributed 1 gold medal.

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