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Organizational arrangement expected to improve welfare in Papua

by Senaman
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PAPUA – On this week’s occasion, the Acting Governor of Papua Muhammad Ridwan Rumasukun officially opened the Technical Coordination Meeting for the Organization Sector, in Ternate City, Monday (3/6/2024).

Several officials attended the Forum with representatives from the regencies/cities of Papua Province, Papua Mountains, Central Papua, West Papua, South Papua and Southwest Papua.

Governor Ridwan said that he hoped the implementation of the meeting would produce a joint agreement that would be followed up by the Central Government and the Provincial Government, related to changes in organizational structuring policies going forward.

“As well as immediately formulating concrete steps that can bring about an increase in welfare and justice in the Land of Papua,” Ridwan Rumasukun said.

In the opinion of the Governor, the existence of a Special Autonomy Policy through Law Number 2 of 2021 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for the Papua Province, is a normative basis for organizational changes in Bumi Cenderawasih.

Where in carrying out this autonomy, provincial government organizations must have sensitivity and rationality to the needs and problems in their territory. Especially related to special authority in the context of protecting and empowering indigenous Papuans (OAP).

So that there are steps that must be taken and followed up by the Provincial and Regency / City Governments this time is to evaluate the regional apparatus institutional policies that have been running.

“Because normatively, institutional evaluation can be carried out by referring to Government Regulation Number 106 b of 2021 concerning the Authority and Institutional Implementation of the Special Autonomy Policy for Papua Province.

“Where juridically the Papua Provincial Government is given the authority to formulate the design of the Regional Apparatus Organization, as a basis for the Provincial Government and Regency / City Government to improve and improve institutional performance,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Ternate, M. Tauhid Soleman, said that this coordination meeting was a strategic momentum to exchange ideas, share experiences to formulate concrete steps in strengthening the organization and governance of each region.

“I hope that through this forum we can formulate various strategic policies that are effective, innovative and according to the needs of the times,” he said.

It is known, in the implementation of the Technical Coordination Meeting for the Organization Sector, acting as a resource person, namely the Papua Regional Secretary Official, the Head of the Papua Regional Secretariat Legal Bureau and the Director General of Otda Kemendagri.

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