Home » Development of Tourism Village in South Papua is a necessity

Development of Tourism Village in South Papua is a necessity

by Senaman
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PAPUA – The development of tourism villages in South Papua is a necessity. This is in line with the increasing trend of tourism that focuses on providing experiences to tourists in the world.

“Merauke Regency with its various potentials, including the uniqueness of the villages, is the entrance for tourists from eastern Indonesia,” said Deputy Chairman of the MPR RI, Lestari Moerdijat, when giving a speech at the Strengthening Tourism Village Management Network Forum in Merauke Regency, South Papua Province, organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy c.q.. Deputy for Destination and Infrastructure Development in Merauke, South Papua.

Present at the event were Florentinus Suhono Suryo (Assistant III General Administration, Kemenparekraf), Sulaeman L Hamzah (Member of the House of Representatives Nasdem Faction), Bambang Cahyo Murdoko (Director of Destination Development II, Deputy for Destination and Infrastructure Development, Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf), Sugianto (Chairman of the Merauke Regency DPRD), Fauzun Nihayah (Member of the South Papua Provincial DPRD), Benhur Rentandatu (Head of the Merauke Regency Tourism and Culture Office), and tourism actors in Merauke Regency.

According to Lestari, tourism that provides experiences for tourists such as enjoying daily life with local residents and getting to know local wisdom, is currently very popular with foreign tourists. This, said Rerie, Lestari’s nickname, opens up opportunities for villages in Merauke Regency in South Papua, to be developed into tourist villages.

Moreover, said Rerie, who is also a member of Commission X of the House of Representatives from Central Java Region II, Merauke has villages that are unique in terms of nature, environment and culture.  In addition, added Rerie, the Zero Point area in Merauke Regency can be an attraction for tourists to visit and get to know more about the culture and distinctiveness of the surrounding villages.

“Who doesn’t know Merauke? Almost every Indonesian child knows the word Merauke because they have sung the song From Sabang to Merauke,” said Rerie.

Realizing a number of villages that can become tourist destinations in Merauke Regency, according to the NasDem Party High Council Member, is a challenge that can be realized, along with the government’s plan to develop South Papua Province.

According to Rerie, a strong political will from the central and regional governments as well as community support is needed to realize a number of tourist villages in Merauke that can attract tourists.

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