Home » Central Papua’s Development Mandated by Papua’s New Autonomous Region Regulations

Central Papua’s Development Mandated by Papua’s New Autonomous Region Regulations

by Senaman
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PAPUA TENGAH – Wakil Menteri Dalam Negeri John Wempi Wetipo mengatakan Pembangunan Pusat Pemerintahan di Provinsi Papua Tengah merupakan amanat regulasi yang berkaitan dengan Daerah Otonom Baru (DOB) Papua terutama pembangunan:

  1. Kantor Gubernur,
  2. Kantor Majelis Rakyat Papua (MRP),
  3. Gedung Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Papua (DPRP).

This was conveyed by Wempi when reviewing the location of the Central Papua Provincial Government Center in West Nabire District, Nabire Regency, Central Papua. “That the commitment of the central government’s desire then Commission II DPR RI and all of us to realize our dream of realizing a new Papua to raise the degree, dignity, dignity of the Papuan people through this expansion, we see the light of Central Papua Province,” said, Wempi.

The progress of the construction of the government center of Central Papua Province has begun to be seen physically. This can be observed from land clearing activities and drainage preparation at the location of the provincial government center. “The only thing that was plotted earlier, which we have seen in the pictures, is the construction of the governor’s office, the construction of the DPR office, then the MRP, and also for OPD with ASN housing, I think it has been plotted, it’s just a matter of how to build,” said Wempi.

Not to forget Wempi reminded that drainage in the local location can be prepared properly, before the infrastructure is built, if the drainage is not properly arranged in the future there will be more complicated problems to solve and besides that, Wempi hopes that the construction of Government infrastructure facilities in all New Autonomous Regions of the Papua region can be built in the near future to support the process of Simultaneous Regional Head Elections on November 27. “Let’s build our infrastructure, prepare infrastructure from now on, so that whoever is elected later he can continue what was conveyed by the Acting Governor of Central Papua,” said Wempi.

Wempi appreciated the hard work of the Acting Governor of Central Papua and his staff for the development efforts that have been made and Wempi asked the Government in other Papua New Autonomous Regions to imitate similar steps that have been taken by the Acting Governor of Central Papua Ribka Haluk and his staff. “I honestly say, Mrs. Acting Governor, thank you because we gave you the mandate to carry out your duties here, that’s why I dare to stand in front of Mr. Chairman, Vice Chairman and all members of Commission II DPR to express my gratitude,” said Wempi.

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