Home » Youth in Papua Reject the Issue of Identity Politics and Religion

Youth in Papua Reject the Issue of Identity Politics and Religion

by Senaman
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JAYAPURA, Seputarpapua.com | The cross-section of youth under the auspices of the Indonesian Youth National Committee (KNPI) of Papua Province together with a number of Youth Community Organizations (OKP) rejected the issue of identity politics and religion ahead of the 2024 simultaneous elections in Papua.

Chairman of DPD KNPI Papua Province, Benyamin Gurik said, this simultaneous election must run democratically and with dignity without any differences.

“Don’t use regional issues to destroy us in Papua. Don’t play religious issues, let’s maintain national unity,” said Benyamin. While KNPI Sarmi, Billy Kreuw appealed to the Tabi-Saireri youth to maintain peace so that the elections can run well. “We hope that there will be no differences between tribes and religions, so that this election can run well,” he said.

Despite the expansion, it does not mean that Papuans are easily divided. “We must remain one, whoever is elected is the best to build Papua in a better direction,” he said.

The head of the Jayapura GMKI branch, Lalius Kabak, hopes that each candidate will continue to prioritize healthy politics and not play religious or identity issues. “We hope that religious leaders will build moral political education to the community,” he said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of Badko HMI Papua-West Papua, Harli Lagefa, also appealed to the youth and the community to continue to strengthen the unity of the nation.

“This election is a party of democracy, we maintain peace in the Land of Papua, let us together maintain public security in this land. People in Tanah Papua should not believe in hoax news, it will divide us. For that we ask to be smart and wise in using social media,” he concluded.

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