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BNPT Coordination with Terrorism Prevention Coordination Forum

by Senaman
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PAPUA – The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) strengthens collaboration in preventing terrorism in Papua, Indonesia by monitoring and involving the community in preventing terrorism through the Papua Counterterrorism Coordination Forum (FKPT).

At the same time, the Head of Mass Media, Law and Public Relations in Papua Province, Jeri A. Yudianto, S. Kom explained that the Papua Province FKPT was formed based on the Decree of the Head of BNPT-RI Number 36 of 2022 consisting of the Chairperson, Secretary and 4 (four) Technical Fields and assisted by 3 (three) secretariat staff. Its membership comes from elements of the Regional Government, Religious Representatives, Women Leaders, Youth Leaders and Academics.

FKPT periodization for 3 years and will end in 2025, entering the third year of FKPT Papua Province supported by the Acting Governor of Papua through the technical SKPD, has carried out several technical activities in instilling / improving national insight, preparedness, religious moderation, and strengthening literacy, especially for the younger generation, but there still needs to be new breakthroughs to improve the performance of FKPT Papua Province to reach all levels of society / multi stakeholders in maintaining a peaceful and safe atmosphere from all forms of threats of radicalism and terrorism in Papua Province, he concluded.

Head of Sub-Directorate of Community Empowerment of BNPT-RI Colonel (Sus) DR. Harianto, M.Pd who led the monitoring, appreciated the performance of FKPT Papua Province which in a fairly short time and limited by various things, was able to synergize BNPT-RI programs / activities in community involvement to prevent radicalism and terrorism in Papua, by cooperating with all existing components.

Counterterrorism in Indonesia based on Law Number 5 of 2018, is carried out from upstream to downstream including: National Preparedness, Counter Radicalism and Deradicalism. To implement the three main things above requires the cooperation of all components from the Central, Regional, Community, practitioners / academics, religious leaders, traditional leaders, youth leaders and women leaders as well as other components of the nation’s children so that the results are more optimal.

This monitoring was attended by leaders and representatives of organizations including:  FKUB, MUI, Muhammadiah, NU, MMI, Youth Leaders, Women Leaders, College Leaders, Church Leaders, PWI, TNI / Police, BINDA and Technical SKPD within the Papua Provincial Government.

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