Home » Papua Sago: Best Quality following the export of Cocoa beans

Papua Sago: Best Quality following the export of Cocoa beans

by Senaman
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Jayapura – In addition to rice and cassava, it is well known that Papuans are also used to eating Sago as one of the staple foods to accompany side dishes. The following are examples of processed Sago native to Papua which is the identity and traditional food typical of the island of Cendrawasih:

  1. Papeda: Processed sago porridge consumed by many regions in Eastern Indonesia, white in color and sticky texture resembling glue with a tasteless taste.
  2. Sago Plate: Hard, tasteless slabs of dried sago, usually enjoyed dipped in coffee or sweet tea.
  3. Bagea Sago Cake: A sweet cake made from sago flour and walnut flour, it has a slightly hard texture when bitten.
  4. Eurimoo Cake: A wet cake similar to Papua’s version of lemon, made from a mixture of sago flour and crushed bananas, shaped into balls, then boiled until they float.
  5. Sago Plate: Papuan fresh bread made from sago, molded, and baked, perfect for coffee or the.

Papuan sago is also used in several other preparations, such as unique snacks like biscuits by roasting sago, salt, and grated coconut.

With the variety of preparations that Papuans often eat made from sago, the Papua Provincial Government through the Papua Regional Plantation and Livestock Service, said that Sago export opportunities are still very wide open, so the local government is encouraging the community to continue planting sago commodities, because the sago land owned reaches 5.3 million hectares.

The Acting (PLT) of the Papua Plantation and Animal Husbandry Office, MP Koibur, in Jayapura city said that Papuan sago has the best quality because it grows in wild forests, this makes Papuan sago very easy to find. In addition to Coffee, Vanilla, Timber, Coconut, and Palm Oil, Papua also has potential in the distribution of Sago, especially since its quality is considered the best in Indonesia and is very easy to find compared to rice on the island of Papua itself. According to MP Koibur, his party is trying to encourage increased production of superior commodities, so that the results of these commodities can be exported to various regions in Indonesia or even the World.

After previously exporting Cocoa beans from Jayapura Regency, it is possible that sago in the future can follow in the footsteps of the chocolate plant to be exported and develop the economy of the local community, especially coupled with the Papuan government which continues to try to expand the area of sago trees so that the number increases. It is known that two districts in Papua produce sago, namely Jayapura Regency and Jayapura City, so the 

Government and Agriculture hope that there will be sustainable productivity in shipping local commodities, this is considered so that everything that has been tried does not return to factory settings or zero results. 

Thus, every month, Papua will export, coupled with good shipping facilities, ports, and airports have also supported these exports, so that in the future, export shipments can be carried out directly and immediately with a good level of continuity.

PT Pelni Nasional Indonesia (Pelni) Jayapura Branch Manager Nurul Azhar also added that his party strongly supports exports carried out by the local government with facilities on white ships having good storage. This is done so that raw materials or export goods can be stored and maintained properly.

After previously Olam Food Ingredients Surabaya, East Java has imported 10 tons of Cocoa beans from Jayapura Port, it is hoped that Sago can follow and increase employment and economic growth in Papua.

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