by Senaman
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SOUTH PAPUA – The construction of Mama Papua Market in Bloreb, Merauke Regency, South Papua has been completed. Regent of Asmat Regency Elisa Kambu Inaugurated the Mama-Mama Papua Market in Agats District, Asmat Regency, South Papua.

Asmat Regent Elisa Kambu said that the inauguration of the Papua mama market in Agats District was built using the 2023 Fiscal Year Regional Budget (APBD). “The government’s commitment to bring development to meet the needs of the people in Asmat Regency,” said Elisa.  He said that the construction of the market was the government’s commitment to respond to the aspirations of indigenous Papuans who wanted to have a representative trading place. “We have struggled together, gradually the government has started to prepare the mama-mama papua market building,” said Elisa. For this reason, Elisa invites Papuan mothers who sell to make good use of this market. “Let us together take care of this market so that it can be utilized properly and the welfare of the community can increase,” said Elisa.

Previously, the market had 107 booths and kiosks using central funds for assistance from the Ministry of Trade in 2023. Before operating, the Perindagkop Office will conduct socialization to OAP traders in the afternoon market behind the Time Capsule.

Meanwhile, the market that has been built behind SMP Negeri 2 Merauke with the assistance of the Ministry of Cooperatives has not been used because it has not been equipped with good road infrastructure. The condition of the entrance road and the surrounding area is still muddy during the rainy season so it is feared that no buyers will shop at the market.

The mama papua market in Blorep will also be a market targeted by many market sellers and buyers, who want to achieve economic growth in southern Papua. At least there is an increase in the economy which is a benchmark for the government to achieve prosperity in Papua.

The government hopes that the Papuan people will now be able to enjoy the mama market with clean, dense buyers and sellers, then there is a gathering point for a market in each district. From the achievements of each district that the government wants to continue to build, hopefully markets throughout Papua can be built evenly so that there is a massively developed economy.

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