Home » President Jokowi’s Success in Developing Papua Welcomed by the Community

President Jokowi’s Success in Developing Papua Welcomed by the Community

by Senaman
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PAPUA – The government continues to strive to realize a more advanced Papua through various means, including the development of human resources infrastructure, improving licensing bureaucracy, and improving health services. Papua has become one of the main focuses of President Joko Widodo’s (Jokowi) administration because this region requires special attention compared to other regions in Indonesia.

Through the Nawacita concept promoted by President Jokowi, the government realized it through an increase in special budgets, such as an increase in the Special Autonomy Fund (Otsus) and special funds for infrastructure. Funding and feeder systems are also a concern of the government, because the large amount of funds for Papuan development has caused the state budget to swell. To address this, the government adopted a Public and Private Partnership (PPP) scheme, which allows public and private consortiums to ease the state’s fiscal burden so that the focus of development can be expanded.

With the allocation of special autonomy funds that are maximized through bureaucratic simplification, as well as comprehensive Papuan development planning without sacrificing physical and non-physical aspects, the implementation of development in Papua can run smoothly. The discontent narrative of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) and other separatist political elements has long been a concern of the government. Because the government understands that economic development without human development will only lead to horizontal conflict.

During the inauguration of Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) in Jayapura City, President Jokowi reiterated that Indonesia’s development is no longer Java-centric, but Indonesia-centric, and the land of Papua is a priority of the development carried out by the government. In fact, the President also explained a number of development achievements that have been carried out in Papua, starting from the construction of the Trans Papua Road and border roads, construction and revitalization of airports, to the development of border areas and cross-border posts (PLBN).

The 3,462-kilometer Trans Papua road has been built, the 1,098-kilometer border road has also been completed, and the construction of the 1.3-kilometer Youtefa Bridge in Jayapura. In addition, the terminal of Domine Eduard Osok Airport in Sorong has been improved, airports in Wamena and Jayawijaya have also been built, and cross-border construction in Skouw, Sota, and Yetetkun in Boven Digoel has been completed.

The government has paid great attention to Papua, with various efforts made to improve the welfare of the community. In addition, the government also continues to encourage the improvement of the quality of education in Papua through scholarship programs and the construction of new schools.

As a form of special attention, the government also recently organized the 2024 National Children’s Day (HAN) in Papua. This event is an important momentum to appreciate and celebrate the potential of children throughout Indonesia, especially Papuan children, and to highlight the importance of education and child protection.

This visit was very special because President Jokowi met with Papuan youth at the peak of the 40th HAN celebration. Many Papuan children idolize President Jokowi, and under his leadership, Papua has experienced significant development. The community also expressed their gratitude for the President’s sincerity in developing Papua and the great motivation given to Papuan children.

The Papuan people will continue to support the government in carrying out accelerated development in Papua. Therefore, the community hopes that all development in Papua can be maintained, making Papua a land of peace that is able to provide prosperity for the Papuan people.

It is hoped that the Papuan people can feel the positive impact from various aspects and make the most of it to improve the local economy. This is because sustainable and inclusive development in Papua does not only aim to improve infrastructure, but also to improve the overall welfare of the Papuan people, ensuring that the community can benefit from the progress achieved so far.

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