Home » Cooperation between Jasa Raharja and the Regional Government of Central Papua Province Regarding the Development of Vehicle Facilities

Cooperation between Jasa Raharja and the Regional Government of Central Papua Province Regarding the Development of Vehicle Facilities

by Senaman
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Vehicles are one of the important factors that can support the smooth development of a region. Vehicle-related facilities certainly need to be a point of attention during the development process. Vehicles have a direct impact on the mobility of people who are carrying out development. The Central Papua Provincial Government understands how important vehicles are during the acceleration of development that is being carried out. Therefore, the regional government has collaborated with Jasa Raharja, a company in the field of vehicle regulation that includes how the applicable regulations are and provides all facilities in the field of vehicles, both for driving tools and for people who drive.

The vehicle sector is seriously considered by all parties. The spotlight emerged from the regional government who wanted the regulations related to vehicles in Central Papua Province to be improved again for their implementation. This means that regulations starting from vehicle registration numbers, vehicle eligibility, and also insurance assistance for motorized vehicles and also drivers must be considered in the process. Regulations that are applied with discipline will provide a guarantee for the community regarding vehicle facilities that can be used in development. Private vehicles and public vehicles can be monitored so that they have proper standards so that they do not endanger the community when carrying out mobility in their activities.

Supervision in the development process currently being carried out in Central Papua Province covers all lines including vehicle supervision. Special standards are given to vehicles that are considered suitable for driving, both by the public personally and the public in general, which means public vehicles as public facilities. Jasa Raharja also emphasized that they guarantee the safety and comfort of the public to drive when the vehicles they use are registered in the supervision program. The company also provides compensation and assistance to the public if an accident occurs while driving in the future. So far, the compensation and assistance provided have a nominal value that has been agreed upon by all parties.

The process of accelerating development is the responsibility of all parties in the process. Starting from the local government, the private sector, and also the community who are carrying out development. Public awareness of the importance of standard and suitable vehicles is one of the goals of the cooperation established by the Central Papua Provincial Government and Jasa Raharja. The hope of the cooperation that is established is that the community can carry out the process of accelerating development smoothly and supported by qualified vehicle facilities. Moreover, vehicles do have a very vital role in the process of accelerating development. Mobility or movement of people from one place to another for activities needs to be guaranteed to run smoothly. Therefore, the development carried out in Central Papua Province takes into account various factors supporting the success of development, one of which is vehicles.

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