Home » Development of Southwest Papua Based on Papua Empowerment with the Involvement of Indigenous Communities

Development of Southwest Papua Based on Papua Empowerment with the Involvement of Indigenous Communities

by Senaman
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Southwest Papua as one of the new provinces in Indonesia is certainly actively carrying out development in various fields. Acceleration of development by involving many experts is also applied in the process. In addition to experts, stakeholders and policy makers also have a role to play in developing West Papua as a whole. The Southwest Papua Provincial Government explained that in the development process in the province, there is special involvement from indigenous peoples. Of course, this involvement is in accordance with the implementation of Special Autonomy throughout Papua, including Southwest Papua. Indigenous peoples have roles that guarantee development that is intended to empower the community, especially Indigenous Papuans who live in Southest Papua Province. Community empowerment, which is one of the main goals of development in Southwest Papua Province, is an ideal that has long been desired by Indigenous Papuans. The implementation of Special Autonomy certainly makes it clearer that the ideals that have existed since long ago can be realized soon. Empowerment means giving power to the community to be able to build many fields with what they have while utilizing development for the greatest possible welfare of the community there. Development that is empowering in nature will train the independence of the community to carry out development processes from beginning to end.

Indigenous communities in Southwest Papua are involved from the beginning of the development process until the benefits of the results of the development that has been implemented. Stakeholders certainly need indigenous communities to filter information related to how development is needed by the community in Southwest Papua. Do not let the development that is carried out not be in accordance with the needs and expectations of the community, especially the Indigenous Papuans. So that when development is completed, such as the construction of hospitals and schools, both of these things can support gradual and sustainable development in Southwest Papua, especially building empowered and prosperous Human Resources.

The hope of indigenous communities in Southwest Papua regarding development based on community empowerment is that their customary rights will continue to be recognized and even strongly protected. Development is indeed unavoidable in the process of human civilization, but development also needs to respect the rights of the community, especially the Indigenous Papuans who have been in the area since before the development process was as intense as it is now. The expansion of the province is also expected to facilitate the distribution of welfare and equity as well as the acceleration of development that is in accordance with the wishes of the Indigenous Papuans. The resources that are built will also be able to increase community empowerment related to natural resources and human resources. So that development in Southwest Papua is truly able to empower the existing community.

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