Home » Promoting Sago as the Main Dish at the 2024 Lake Sentani Festival

Promoting Sago as the Main Dish at the 2024 Lake Sentani Festival

by Senaman
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The 2024 Sentani Lake Festival is one of the tourist agendas that tourists are looking forward to visiting Papua and enjoying the natural beauty as well as seeing the traditional culture displayed. The Regional Government of Papua Province wants a new breakthrough to be implemented this year that has never been done in previous years. The new breakthrough being planned is to feature sago as the main dish served to festival visitors. The sago that will be served has of course been processed into various appetizing menus, especially papeda with various side dishes. This plan will be finalized by coordinating with the festival organizing committee and also of course support from the community, especially Indigenous Papuans who will display their culture.

The idea of ​​making sago the main dish at the 2024 Lake Sentani Festival has actually been in mind for a long time, even since this festival was first held. However, it was only in 2024 that the plan that had been in mind for a long time was successfully realized and even approved by all parties. Papua as part of Indonesia certainly has its own local culture. While Indonesian people are known for the principle that rice is the staple food that they must consume, Indigenous Papuans actually consider sago to be the staple food that can fill their energy to carry out daily activities.

Processed sago can be served in traditional ways or in modern ways following the times. Traditionally, sago is processed into papeda which is served with fish in yellow sauce as a native food from Papua. As time goes by, it turns out that sago can be processed into food or drinks that are influenced by other cultures, for example sago is used as an ingredient for sago ice drinks with fresh fruit toppings.

It is hoped that the promotion of sago as the main dish at the 2024 Lake Sentani Festival will increase its attraction for tourists. If it is successful, seen from the response of visitors and especially the number of tourists who come and try the processed sago menu, then next year it will be the same. A healthy lifestyle which is starting to become a positive trend in people’s lives today is certainly suitable for promoting sago. The reason is that sago has high nutritional content which can support the health of anyone who consumes it. Especially when processed and mixed with food or drink ingredients that are no less healthy.

A fairly large budget was provided by the Regional Government of Papua Province, especially through the Jayapura Regency Government which directly handles all the needs for holding the 2024 Lake Sentani Festival. It is also hoped that the promotion of sago can be one of the steps to preserve sago as a culture inherent to Indigenous Papuans.

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