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Budget Implementation Document to Launch Development Programs in Papua

by Senaman
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Development in Papua Province requires guidelines in implementing it. Existing guidance can be in the form of technical guidance and also what needs to be considered is the budget implementation document. All these guidelines were provided to all Regional Apparatus Organizations in Papua Province. Submission of budget implementation documents is given after technical guidance has first been submitted. Furthermore, when all Regional Apparatus Organizations have technical guidance and budget implementation documents, development can be implemented immediately. Integration can also be created because all interested parties in Papua have the same development guidelines. Budget absorption and funding for development programs will also be the same in all regions in Papua.

The direction of the development program aimed at in Papua should be the same in its implementation by Regional Apparatus Organizations. Communities including Indigenous Papuans also understand how development works because there are technical guidelines and budget implementation documents that can be accessed by the entire community. Transparency, especially what is most needed, is transparency in the use of funds to accelerate development so that people have a sense of trust in the government, both the national government and regional governments, including Regional Apparatus Organizations that run government in remote areas of Papua.

Apart from transparency, providing technical guidance and budget implementation documents to Regional Apparatus Organizations can increase the professionalism of all parties involved in implementing development. Accountability is also important, especially after the provision of budget implementation documents in Papua. Parties who play a role in development funding must also be careful in managing funds in accordance with the budget that has been planned for implementation.

Coordination in implementing development in Papua Province became easier after technical guidance and development budget implementation documents were distributed to all interested parties. Consolidation in various regions guided by Regional Apparatus Organizations can also be carried out by adjusting the mutually agreed development direction. Accelerating development, equitable development, and also improving existing services to support development can also be implemented referring to technical guidelines and applicable budget implementation documents.

In essence, development in Papua will run more smoothly after the submission of technical guidance and budget implementation documents. Regional Apparatus Organizations are becoming more focused, especially regarding budget revenues and expenditures. All budget obtained from the government will be used for the development process in Papua Province according to the directions that have been given. Providing budget implementation documents will also help the parties who work together in channeling the budget for development that is considered to be of mutual interest. So that in one budget period, there is no confusion in setting the priority scale for development. All development in Papua has been adjusted to the technical guidelines and budget implementation documents that have been implemented.

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