Home » New Central Papua Government Building Development Plan

New Central Papua Government Building Development Plan

by Senaman
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The Central Papua Provincial Government will build a new government building in 2025. The development plan has been discussed in a meeting led directly by the Acting Governor of Central Papua Province, Ribka Haluk, by inviting members of the government to exchange opinions and jointly seek solutions to the problems that then became the cause or urgency of the need to build a new government building. One of the reasons why it is necessary to build a new government building is because the existing government building is considered to be quite far away and difficult to reach, thus hampering the activities of those in the government ranks. The development plan has been approved by all meeting participants so that it can be ascertained regarding the construction of a new government building early next year.

The process of building a new Central Papua Provincial government building certainly needs to consider the various impacts that can be caused. An analysis of the environmental impact also needs to be carried out so that it can be known what impacts are caused when building a new government building. In addition, the model for the design and how the construction system is also required must go through a thorough planning process so that the new government building can last a long time and does not need to be moved in the future.

The new Central Papua Provincial Government Building is planned to be built for three bureaus, namely the Central Papua Provincial Government, the Central Papua Provincial People’s Assembly, and also the Central Papua Provincial People’s Representative Council. The construction of these buildings will be accompanied by a sanitation design included in the master plan and will build green open spaces that can be used by all people in Central Papua Province. So that later the new government building will not be specifically for officials and regional government officials but the public will also be allowed to use the facilities provided.

The Central Papua Provincial Government Office will be built in Nabire on the grounds that it has access that can be reached by all people in Central Papua Province. All matters related to agencies and their interests will be easily accessible to the public because the existing building is considered too far and time-consuming for the public when there is something that needs to be taken care of. Therefore, the construction of a new government building is not only a desire for the ranks of regional government officials but also a need for the community regarding the services needed.

The hope of the community is that the new government office can be completed as soon as possible and the construction process runs smoothly without any obstacles. The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing is the main person responsible for the construction of the new government building in Central Papua Province. The community also has a duty to supervise the progress of development so that no errors occur and the results are in accordance with the expectations of all parties.

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