Home » Minister’s Visit in the South West Papua Health Development Program

Minister’s Visit in the South West Papua Health Development Program

by Senaman
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Health development is the responsibility of the central government which then coordinates with various regions that are the targets of the development. One of the regions that is the focus of the government to implement health development is the Province of South West Papua. Therefore, the central government of the Republic of Indonesia sent Muhadjir Effendy as the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture to visit various health facilities in the Province of South West Papua. In addition to visiting health facilities such as hospitals and community health centers, the Minister also visited health facilities at the school level such as the School Health Unit which collaborates with other health facilities to provide health services such as immunization and vaccines for students.

The health facilities available in the Province of South West Papua can be said to be quite complete. Moreover, the construction of supporting facilities such as improving access and roads to hospitals or other health facilities makes it easier to provide the health services needed and acceptable to the community. However, there needs to be other health equipment that must be added to several health facilities so that coordination will be carried out with the Ministry of Health in order to meet the shortcomings of existing facilities. Health workers such as doctors and nurses also need to be added both in quality and quantity so that health development in the Province of South West Papua can be accelerated.

Health development includes various aspects such as the provision of more qualified health facilities, both in terms of health services and modern health equipment. The skills of health workers are also one of the focuses that need to be considered in health development in a region. The role of the government, both the central government and the local government, must be increased again because health development is one of the important things and must be implemented immediately. Health services that can be reached by the community will certainly increase the health rates in the community. When the community needs health services, they will easily get them because health development guarantees the community to get maximum health services.

The community’s expectations regarding health development and also the visit of the minister as a representative of the central government are for a dialogue to occur regarding what the needs of the community and also the health workers in the Province of South West Papua that must be met immediately. The community certainly hopes to stay healthy and the government needs to guarantee public health by fulfilling the needs at various levels of health facilities, both primary levels such as hospitals, then community health centers or clinics, and also health facilities available in schools in the area. So that with health development, the community will be healthier and development in other fields can be implemented immediately.

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