Home » Implementation of Pancasila Unity Values Ahead of General Election

Implementation of Pancasila Unity Values Ahead of General Election

by Senaman
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October 1 in Indonesia is commemorated as Pancasila Sanctity Day. There are five principles in Pancasila which were later ratified as the foundation of the state and also as the philosophy of the nation that is continuously passed on to all Indonesian citizens. The third principle in Pancasila is the Unity of Indonesia. This principle is considered suitable to be implemented in the Pancasila Sanctity Day commemoration ceremony in 2024 ahead of the simultaneous regional head elections in all regions in Indonesia. This means that even though there is competition between regional head candidate pairs and their supporters who are competing to get the most votes, it is hoped that they will remain united in accordance with the third principle of Pancasila as Indonesian people who continue to unite in any condition.

The Jayapura Regency Government held a ceremony to commemorate Pancasila Sanctity Day and was supervised directly by the Acting Regent of Jayapura Regency, Semuel Siriwa. He advised the participants of the ceremony which was attended by officials in the government and had the status of State Civil Apparatus to be an example for the general public during the general election which had begun to enter the campaign period. The values ​​of unity and oneness in Pancasila need to be implemented by all people in Papua even though they are in a competitive period in the general election. Regional government officials must be able to exemplify the values ​​of unity, especially the State Civil Apparatus who are required to maintain their neutrality during the general election.

Pancasila as the foundation of the state and the philosophy of life for Indonesian citizens can never be replaced. So that the community needs to understand how important Pancasila is and be able to implement the principles in it. Ahead of the general election, of course there will be competition and differences of opinion in society based on the candidate pairs supported. Therefore, the community should remember how the Unity of Indonesia as the third principle in Pancasila is a philosophy of life and at the same time a guideline for Indonesian citizens in carrying out daily activities.

The hope of the Acting Regent of Jayapura Regency which was conveyed in the commemoration ceremony of Pancasila Sanctity Day is that the community is truly able to implement Pancasila in their lives. The campaign period that has begun is one of the tests for the community to be able to hold fast to Pancasila. Peace, harmony, and also the need for mutual understanding to create tolerance can be put forward during the general election in order to avoid conflicts that may occur in society. So that the implementation of Pancasila as a guideline for people’s lives will be shown in various positive attitudes to support the general election process that runs smoothly and conducively. Finally, the elected leader will also get full support from the community and be able to invite the community to increasingly implement Pancasila in their lives.

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