Three Ecotourism in West Papua, Place to Add Education

Papua has a lot of natural beauty and natural wealth that is second to none. Especially if you visit ecotourism in West Papua which presents interesting sights during holidays

And learn about the ecosystem in that place. Here, there are three kinds of ecotourism that are often visited.

Ecotourism Development in West Papua

West Papua is a province that is rich in natural resources, both in forests, agriculture, waters, and so on.

The existence of forests is very important to support the economy, the continuity of customs, and as an ecosystem habitat in them so that they are not extinct and threatened.

In addition, sustainable agriculture also plays an important role in improving the community’s economy so that it can obtain the desired crop yields.

Considering that Papua has a population with a very high poverty rate compared to other provinces in Indonesia.

In its waters, the government and the community jointly carry out a mangrove forest planting program so that the ecosystem around the mangroves is maintained.

This also has a major impact on the social life of the Papuan people and increases yields from the waters. In addition, ecotourism is also held to attract tourists.

Ecotourism in West Papua

In West Papua itself, there are several ecotourism available and are able to provide visitors with a pleasant experience during their holidays.

In addition, they can also add insight about the environment and get to know the animals that are there. Here’s information about it!

1. Pomako Mimika Mangrove Ecotourism

In Mimika Regency, Papua, Pomako Mangrove Ecotourism is a well-like tourist site that is renown for the beauty of its mangrove forests and the protection of its surrounding coastal environment.

To witness the mangroves’ ability to withstand sea waves, visitors can traverse a bridge.

Ecotourism area features 27 mangroves, 30 meters high and diverse animal species, offering visitors natural beauty and biodiversity exploration.

2. Malagufuk Village Ecotourism

Birdwatching options are available at Papua’s Malagufuk Village Ecotourism in the Sorong Regency for stunning species like the bird of paradise and cassowary.

Locals lead tourists into the forest so they can see these birds in their natural setting.

Malagufuk Village has transformed from a place that primarily relied on agricultural sales. To one that is now a popular ecotourism destination,

Helping the neighborhood by hiring locals as tour guides, cooks, and homestay operators.

3. Arfak Mountains Ecotourism

Local people work together to protect the forest, maintaining biodiversity and protecting different bird species

Such the Plain Namdur, Arfak Parotia, Cenderawasih Split Rattan, and Kurikuri Crescent Beak.

Locals will lead tourists on excursions to view birds in their native habitats. And take in the splendor of the 2,000-meter-high Mountains.

Visitors can take pictures of the birds without disturbing them thanks to ecotourism, which protects nature and biodiversity. A must-see is this remarkable experience.

That was information related to ecotourism in West Papua which can be a place to add education about the environment and ecosystems there.

In addition, these places are also very beautiful so they are suitable for a pleasant vacation with family or friends.



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