Moni and Mee tribes, once at war now side by side

Central Papua – Paniai Regency is one of the oldest regencies located in the Meepago region which has been divided into three regions, namely Intan Jaya Regency, Deiyai Regency, and Dogiyai Regency. In Paniai Regency there are two large tribes with different cultures. The two tribes are the Moni Tribe and the Mee Tribe. Although different, these two tribes have a very close kinship in culture.

The Moni tribe has a different culture and tradition from the Suke Mee. The Moni tribe consists of four clans that live in Paniai Regency. The four clans are Zonggonau, Kobogau, Yatipai, and Dimbau. The Moni tribe originated from Intan Jaya Regency.

In the past, the clan traveled long distances due to inter-clan warfare. To defend the clan, some people from the Moni tribe fled their home village and settled in Paniai. They then became part of the Mee Tribe. However, they still maintain the original clan in the area they live in.

In the past, the Moni and Mee tribes fought tribal wars to defend their territories and indigenous communities. From the tribal war, many victims fell from both sides. The impact was very detrimental.

According to stories passed down from generation to generation, the two tribes then held negotiations to end the conflict. They agreed to resolve the conflict by custom. There is a division of territorial boundaries, mountains and rivers. Mountains and rivers that have been passed by the Moni Tribe will become the full rights of the Moni Tribe. Meanwhile, the Mee Tribe may not take or make harmful things.

The Moni tribe is unique in solving problems. When there is a dispute in a conversation and there is no way out, then women play an important role. Women will resolve the dispute. They must be able to find a way out of the conversation. This tradition has been going on for a long time, even to this day.

The Mee tribe is also unique in its language style because it has many clans. In addition, the regions are also different. The language style used by these clans is also different. The eastern language is called Koha, while the western part uses Koya. Although different, the language dialect can still be understood by the Moni Tribe.

The Moni tribe is a minority tribe in an area where the majority is the Mee tribe. Although the lives of indigenous people receive less attention from the government in Paniai. However, the Moni tribe continues to live by maintaining existing culture and traditions. They maintain territorial rights while developing their local potential by farming and raising livestock. They also utilize other forest products, such as rattan and orchids.

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