Blood Donation is a Commitment of IPLR Papua Mountains

PAPUA – The blood donor activity that is routinely carried out by the Luwu Raya Youth Association (IPLR) together with the Pomegranate Clinic, is part of the commitment of Luwu youth in the city of Wamena. Chairman of IPLR Papua Mountains, Arman Pontoh said, this commitment was built because of a pure humanitarian call in helping others in need.

“We see that in hospitals sometimes many of our brothers and sisters need blood, but due to limited stocks, so this is what encourages us to routinely carry out blood donation actions,” said Arman Pontoh, during a blood donation activity at Delima Clinic, Jayawijaya Regency, Papua Mountains.

It is hoped that these social activities will be able to help patients, especially when the Wamena Regional Hospital experiences a shortage of blood stock. For IPLR Papua Mountains itself, blood donation activities have become a priority program in the organization.

“We are grateful because the Pomegranate Clinic and RSUD always support us through this activity, and hopefully this collaboration can continue to run well in the future without any obstacles,” She hoped.

On this occasion, he also told the community, Cipayung, or mass organizations in the city of Wamena to collaborate in social activities. The blood donation event, which was held in conjunction with the Pomegranate Clinic, managed to collect 75 bags of blood.

“The challenge in this activity is indeed very big, because there are still some people who are still afraid to donate, but for us, whatever the challenge is, we will still go through it,” She said.

Delima Clinic Owner, Ming Sumarah Isham, said that the blood donation activity with IPLR was carried out not because of a particular moment. Rather, this humanitarian action is indeed a routine agenda carried out by his party once every three months.

“We have been doing this blood donation together with IPLR for a long time, because the cooperation that we have built has been running for 2 years,” said Ming Sumarah Isham.

In every quarterly blood donation, Delima Clinic and IPLR target 50 blood bags to be collected in the action. Not only in collaboration with IPLR, but Delima Clinic also opens itself to other communities or organizations in the city of Wamena, who want to collaborate in social actions like this.

“For other social actions, we don’t have plans yet, but for blood donation, we are open because in principle, the Pomegranate Clinic wants to provide the best,” she explained.

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