WEST PAPUA “Conservation Provisions in Indonesia”

The natural wealth owned by Papua also requires a wealth of authority in order to be able to regulate everything in Papua. The existence of Special Autonomy (OTSUS) in Papua means that the Regional Government and also the community, especially indigenous communities in Papua, have the authority to be able to create regulations that can enable them to utilize what they have, especially the wealth of natural resources they have. Potentials can also be explored and brought to light with the aim of maximizing the prosperity of the people in Papua with the support of special regional autonomy authority which has been adapted to the needs that need to be met immediately.

One form of carrying out OTSUS with its authority is the designation of West Papua as a Conservation Province in 2015. Increasing development is of course one of the concentrations aimed at. However, considering what exists in West Papua, especially when talking about its natural riches, including potential resources to flora and fauna, development should involve a view of natural sustainability which must be maintained. The aim is of course that development is in line with conservation so that indigenous peoples who already live in the West Papua region can still live their lives by taking advantage of natural conditions without being damaged by regulations under the pretext of development. The hope is that the natural resources we have will not be completely drained and the flora and fauna will not become extinct.


There are four principles that are implemented as a basis for developing West Papua as a Conservation Province:

  1. Environmental protection in order to ensure the continuity of life of the West Papuan Traditional Law Community and the lives of humanity in general.
  2. Protection and preservation of biodiversity in order to ensure ecological balance and continuity of life processes for humans and other living creatures as creations of God Almighty.
  3. Management and utilization of natural resources wisely and sustainably to ensure the quality of life for future generations.
  4. Restoring the environment and managing important ecosystems that have been degraded.

The above four principles are implemented by all actors and stakeholders in realizing West Papua as a Conservation Province. The Regional Government is not the only party responsible and plays an important role in realizing a Conservation Province. There are other parties who can be referred to as actors or stakeholders, such as Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), academics, and also indigenous communities.


The designation of West Papua as a Conservation Province has a significant impact on how development can co-exist with the preservation of the natural resources in the area. The condition of people who continue to protect forests, especially protected forests and everything in them, makes Conservation Provinces an ideal form of how political authority, especially regarding development, can be adjusted to the needs of the community.

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