Vice President Emphasizes Four Special Strategies to Launch National Strategic Program and Provincial Strategic Program for Papua Mountains

WAMENA, PAPUA PEGUNUNGAN – Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia K.H. Ma’ruf Amin inaugurated the launching of the National Strategic Program and the Papua Mountain Province Strategic Program at Aithousa Building, Jl. Trikora, Wamena City, Wednesday (06/05/2024). “From this beautiful land of Wamena, I would like to convey several messages,” said the Vice President.

During his visit, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia K.H. Ma’ruf Amin gave directions to the Acting Governor of Papua Mountains, including:

  1. Requesting that synergy and collaboration between the Central and Regional Governments in preparing appropriate regional development planning continue to be built. 
  2. Directing that strategies to reduce the level of high cost in the Papua Mountains be formulated comprehensively.
  3. Instructing the Provincial Government of Papua Mountains to continue to ensure that the technical steps for preparing and implementing the construction of the provincial government infrastructure center in 2024 are going well.
  4. Calls for the intensive and inclusive use of positive narratives to counteract fake news (hoaxes) that are counterproductive to the government’s efforts to build peace and prosperity in Papua.
  5. The launch of the National Strategic Program and the strategic program of the Papua Mountains Province today marks the beginning of efforts and determination to build community welfare in all corners of the Papua Mountains Province.

Previously, Acting Governor of Papua Mountains Velix Wanggai reported on the development of Papua Mountains Province which is one of the new autonomous regions in Papua through a video broadcast, “we in Wamena continue to consolidate steps to accelerate development, and also together with the support of the TNI and Polri in the Land of Papua Mountains, and also the entire wider community,” said Velix.

The video shows how Velix visited 8 districts in the Papua Mountains to implement various strategic programs, including:

  1. Healthy breakfast program for school children in Tolikara Regency,
  2. Harvesting cultured fish in Jayawijaya Regency,
  3. Inaugurating the Bogo GIDI Regional Office, Kelila, Central Mamberamo Regency,
  4. Building food barns in Yahukimo Regency,
  5. Developing the potential of Tiom Coffee in Lanny Jaya Regency,
  6. Facilitating the formation and inauguration of the Papuan People’s Assembly (MRP) of Papua Mountains for the 2023-2028 term.

In the broadcast, it was also explained that the Papua Province of the Mountains was formed based on Law 16 Number 2022 concerning the Establishment of the Papua Province of the Mountains, and based on Article 6, the capital of the Papua Province of the Mountains is located in Wamena City, Jayawijaya Regency. The purpose of the establishment of Papua Mountains Province is to accelerate equitable development, improve public services, and community welfare, as well as to elevate the dignity of Indigenous Papuans, especially in Jayawijaya Regency, Bintang Mountains Regency, Yahukimo Regency, Tolikara Regency, Central Mamberamo Regency, Yalimo Regency, Lanny Jaya Regency, and Nduga Regency.

For information, the National Strategic Programs launched by the Vice President in Wamena today are the Wamena Airport Runway Extension (APBN Ministry of Transportation 2024) and the Construction of Trans Papua National Road, Wamena-Jayapura, (Government and Business Entity Cooperation (PPP) and APBN 2024).

The Provincial Strategic Programs launched by the Vice President include:

  1. Construction of the Papua Mountain Province Government Center Core Area (KIPP) and Wamena Airport VIP Building (2024 Provincial Budget),
  2. Declaration of Jayawijaya Regency Food Center Area (Jayawijaya Regency Budget 2024),
  3. Electricity Project (24 hours) in Lanny Jaya Regency (PT PLN 2024),
  4. Development of Drinking Water Management System (SPAM) in Jayawijaya Regency (APBD Jayawiyaya 2024).

Present at this event, among others:

  1. Acting Regent of Nduga Elai Giban,
  2. Acting Jayawijaya Regent Sumule Tumbo,
  3. Acting Regent of Lanny Jaya Alpius Yigibalom,
  4. Yahukimo Regent Didimus Yahuli,
  5. Acting Regent of Yalimo Nahor Nekwek,
  6. Regent of Pegunungan Bintang Spei Yan Bidana,
  7. Acting Regent of Central Mamberamo Manogar Sirait,
  8. Acting Regent of Tolikara Marthen Kogoya,
  9. Acting Regional Secretary of Papua Province Wasuol Mountains Demianus Siep,
  10. BP3OKP member Hantor Matuan,
  11. Wouma Indigenous Community Leader Paulus Matuan,
  12. Walesi Indigenous Community Leader Ismail Wetapo,
  13. Leaders of the Papuan People’s Assembly (MRP) and all levels of the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) of the Papua Mountains Province.

Meanwhile, the Vice President was accompanied by Deputy Minister of Home Affairs John Wempi Wetipo, PIh. Deputy for Government Policy Support and National Insight Suprayoga Hadi, Deputy for Administration Sapto Harjono W.S., as well as Vice President’s Special Staff Masduki Baidlowi, Masykuri Abdillah, and Robikin Emhas.

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