Unqualified Opinion Reached by Papua Provincial Government

PAPUA, JAYAPURA – The Papua Provincial Government previously achieved an Unqualified opinion for 8 consecutive times since 2015. This Unqualified Opinion was handed over directly by Member VI of the Financial Supervisory Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Prof. Pius Lustrilanang to the Acting Governor of Papua Dr. M. Ridwan Rumasukun, Chairman of the Papua House of Representatives Jhony Banua Rouw SE accompanied by Deputy Chairman I of the Papua House of Representatives, Dr. M. Ridwan Rumasukun. Yunus Wonda and Deputy Chairman II of the Papua House of Representatives, Edoardus Kaize, SSi in the Plenary Meeting of the Papua House of Representatives with the agenda of Submission of the Audit Report (LHP) of the Financial Supervisory Agency of the Republic of Indonesia on the Financial Statements of the Regional Government of Papua Province in 2023, Monday, June 10, 2024, “based on the results of the examination, BPK RI concluded that the opinion on the Financial Statements of the Papua Provincial Government for the fiscal year 2023 is Unqualified (WTP), for which I express my congratulations and highest appreciation to the Papua Provincial Government for this achievement, hopefully it can always be maintained in the coming years, “said Member VI of BPK RI Prof. Dr. Pius Lustrilanang. Dr. Pius Lustrilanang.

The results of the examination conducted by the Financial Supervisory Agency of the Republic of Indonesia show that the preparation of the financial statements of the Papua Provincial Government for the fiscal year 2023 is in accordance with the actual-based Government accounting standards have been adequately disclosed and there are no non-compliances that have a direct material effect and the implementation of activity programs and financial reporting in 2023 has been supported by effective SPI and the Financial Supervisory Agency of the Republic of Indonesia still finds problems, the impact of which is not crucial and affects the fairness in the presentation of financial statements. 

For this reason, Prof. Pius Lustrilanang asked to immediately follow up on these problems, including:

  1. The implementation of personnel expenditure is not in accordance with the provisions,
  2. There were overpayments and under-reception of late fees in several work packages for goods and services and capital expenditures,
  3. Management of regional property is not yet adequate.

Acting Governor of Papua Dr. M. Ridwan Rumasukun appreciates the hard work of all parties involved in implementing good financial governance in their respective agencies, so that the Papua Province Regional Government Financial Report in 2023 can be prepared in accordance with applicable regulations, “the results of the work in 2023 can be reflected in the financial statements of the Papua Provincial Government, the Regional Government Financial Report is not just a number, but reflects the performance of the Government in serving the community and developing the region, especially in Papua,” Ridwan said.

Papua’s Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget has decreased after the division of the Province:

  1. 2022 amounted to Rp 12.9 trillion,
  2. 2023 amounted to Rp 5.9 trillion,
  3. 2024 to Rp 3 trillion.

However, the smaller the Papua Regional Budget does not reduce the spirit of work and innovation to build Papua.

Regarding the recommendations submitted by BPK RI, whether it is a return due to overpayment or recommendations that require policy changes or need to develop new policies, Jhony hopes that as soon as possible to be followed up together with the Papua Provincial Government.

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