Universal Health Care Awards 2024 as a Gift in Indonesia’s Independence Month for the Biak Numfor Regency Government

The Biak Numfor Regency Government through the health sector policy implemented by the Biak Numfor Branch of the Social Security Administration has successfully received an award from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. The award was given in the context of a decade of the Indonesian National Health Insurance program and the Healthy Indonesia Card for the Nation as a real manifestation of the Indonesian Government’s commitment to providing health protection for the people of Indonesia. Biak Numfor Regency, together with 460 other regencies/cities in Indonesia, is entitled to the 2024 Universal Health Care Awards for successfully implementing National Health Insurance, the benefits of which can be felt by more than 95% of the population included in the scope of the policy area.

The award given in August coincides with the month in which the Republic of Indonesia celebrates its 79th Independence Day. The existence of the 2024 Universal Health Care Award is certainly in line with how all people in Indonesia feel independence in the field of social security and especially health, including in Biak Numfor Regency. This is also in line with the ideology of the Indonesian nation, namely Pancasila, where there is the 5th principle, namely social justice for all Indonesian people. Biak Numfor Regency, as one of the regencies in Indonesia, certainly hopes for equality that leads to social justice that is felt.

The success of the Biak Numfor Regency Government in winning the 2024 Universal Health Care Award cannot be separated from the role of all policy makers and the community who collaborate to ensure public health. The Social Security and Health Administration Agency in Biak Numfor Regency oversees 53 Primary Health Facilities consisting of 21 Community Health Centers, 4 Independent Doctors’ Practices, 1 Independent Dentist Practice, 4 primary clinics and 2 Advanced Referral Health Facilities in Biak Numfor Regency. The areas included in the scope of the implementation of the Biak Numfor Regency Social Security and Health Administration policy include almost all regencies in Central Papua Province, including Biak Numfor Regency, Waropen Regency, Deiyai ​​Regency, Nabire Regency, Intan Jaya Regency, Paniai Regency, Nabire Regency, Yapen Islands Regency, Dogiyai Regency, and Supiori Regency.

The existence of National Health Insurance is a form of government effort to provide protection to all people in it. Therefore, the existence of awards such as the Universal Health Care Award 2024 held in August is a gift for the Biak Numfor Regency Government ahead of the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. The hope is that the award can provide additional enthusiasm for all stakeholders and the community who play an active and important role in implementing the policies of the Social Security and Health Administration in Biak Numfor Regency. The number of people who have received National Health Insurance in Biak Numfor Regency has reached 98% and is being sought to continue to increase to 100%.

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