Technical Guidance for Strengthening the Capacity of the Selection Committee of the Regency People’s Representative Council

Central Papua Province is one of the new provinces in the Republic of Indonesia as a result of the New Autonomous Region policy ratified by the central government. The privilege of the new province as part of the Papua region is the implementation of Special Autonomy with various authorities that give the Papuan people, including Central Papua, the freedom to regulate all their needs in various fields. The freedom given is of course adjusted to the law, but the central government feels that it is the indigenous people or Papuan Indigenous People who understand their conditions and are also able to find appropriate solutions. One of the privileges given by the central government to all provinces in Papua is the right to political affirmation for Papuan Indigenous People to be involved in the Regency People’s Representative Council. So that each district throughout Papua can choose Papuan Indigenous People to be appointed as part of the regional government that can take care of policies.

The Regency People’s Representative Council in Central Papua Province can be inaugurated through two channels, namely the first is through the legislative general election which was held last February. The second channel is by appointing Papuan Indigenous People through a selection process held by the selection committee from the Central Papua Provincial Government. The selection process certainly has a serious and professional flow considering that the appointment of Indigenous Papuans as part of the government will certainly have an impact on how the policy-making process and accommodate the aspirations of the community. Therefore, the local government feels the need for technical guidance to the selection committee for the appointment of the Regency People’s Representative Council in Central Papua Province considering that this is the first time for this new province to do so.

The parties included in the selection committee for the appointment of the Regency People’s Representative Council in Central Papua Province do not only consist of the local government but also involve collaboration and synergy with the community. Several elements of society included in the selection committee are representatives of academics, representatives of prosecutors, and most importantly, representatives of indigenous communities. The selection committee is required to understand the applicable laws and regulations and become the basis for the appointment of prospective council members from Indigenous Papuans. In addition, the technical guidance that is carried out is also expected to support the professionalism of the selection committee members in carrying out their duties.

The hope of the local government, the community, and also the selection committee for the appointment of the Regency People’s Representative Council in Central Papua Province from the Indigenous Papuan path is that the selection process can run smoothly and whoever is selected later is the best choice. The privileges granted through Special Autonomy will also have a positive impact in accordance with the mandate given by the central government, namely providing freedom for Indigenous Papuans to improve the welfare of the local community.

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