Keerom 21st Anniversary Local Government and Provincial Government Build Videotron and Free Internet

KEEROM, PAPUA – In the framework of Keerom’s 21st Anniversary, the Keerom Regional Government together with the Papua Provincial Government laid the first stone for the construction of videotrons, internet access and electronic signatures at the Arso Swakarsa Sun Monument. The groundbreaking was carried out directly by the Regent of Keerom, Piter Gusbager together with Assistant II Secretary of Papua Province Suzana Wanggai and Keerom forkopimda and local OPD.

Piter Gusbager said videotron, internet and TTE development activities are the history of the development of digitalization in Keerom Regency, “information and technology are very important and provide great benefits. But it can also have a bad impact if it is wrongly used so that the negative impact must be minimized,” said Piter.

Internet utilization must be used properly for the benefit of many people, Parents and schools must be able to control their children in integrating with digitalization so that it has a positive impact, “mastery of digitalization information must be well received and Keerom people must be prepared to welcome this digitalization so that they can compete with other communities who come to Keerom Regency,” said Piter Gusbager.

Meanwhile Suzana Wanggai in her remarks said that the Papua Provincial Government was concerned about developing digital access, especially the internet in this province, “The Papua Provincial Government is very serious and concerned about encouraging Digital transformation in all aspects in all regions, in all districts or cities in Papua, the results of the APJII survey in 2023 Internet Penetration on Papua Island touched 63.15 percent, and specifically in Papua Province itself at 75.89% this figure is quite good because of the expansion, “he said. Some areas in DOB mostly have difficult geographical conditions that contribute to the lack of Internet penetration in Papua Island.

This condition still spurs us as the Government to bring the Internet in the midst of the community wherever they are and in 2024 the Papua Provincial Government through the Office of Communication and Information provides internet access through VSAT as many as 32 locations spread across 8 districts, for Jayapura City using the Fiber Optic Backbone line owned by PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia and specifically in Keerom Regency there are 4 locations including Schools, Puskesmas and other public facilities.

Regarding the low Internet penetration as described above, it also affects the low Digital Literacy in Papua, although Papua Province is still in the Top 15 in Indonesia, this also requires approaches and solutions, one of which is by presenting media channels that are easy and close to the community.

Head of the Keerom District Communication, Informatics and Statistics Office Begiken Bangun said that the Keerom Anniversary was marked by the laying of the first stone for the construction of a videotron and the installation of four free internet points and the implementation of electronic signatures in Keerom Regency, “with the launching of videotron, free internet and TTE proving we are one step forward in the field of digitalization in accordance with the mission and vision of the Keerom Regent in advancing and developing the border country of Keerom Regency,” Begiken said.

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