Inauguration of Leaders and Members of Organs at the Papuan People’s Assembly of Central Papua Province

CENTRAL PAPUA – Leaders and Members of the Organs of the Papuan People’s Assembly of Central Papua Province were inaugurated at the Nabire RRI Auditorium on Jalan Merdeka, Nabire Regency, Central Papua Province on June 21, 2024. Leaders and Members of the Organs who were inaugurated include:

  1. Customary Working Group Leader,
  2. Leader of the Religious Working Group,
  3. Leaders of the Women’s Working Group,
  4. Leaders of the Honorary Council.

After the inauguration, Agustinus Anggaibak, SM as Chairman of the Papuan People’s Assembly of Central Papua Province gave his speech. Agustinus Anggaibak, SM said that the organs of the Papuan People’s Assembly are the mandate of Presidential Regulation Number 54 of 2004 and this regulation regulates the formation, duties and functions of the MRP as a cultural representation of the Papuan people, which plays an important role in protecting the basic rights of Indigenous Papuans. As an institution established to ensure alignment with Indigenous Papuans, the Papuan People’s Assembly has several organs that function to support its duties and obligations.

These organs include working groups and an Honorary Council that aim to ensure that the MRP can effectively fulfill its role in protecting the basic rights of Indigenous Papuans, including:

  1. Political Rights,
  2. Economic Rights,
  3. Socio-cultural Rights,
  4. Customary Rights,
  5. Human Rights.

The organs of the Papuan People’s Assembly are an extension of the Papuan People’s Assembly Leadership, these organs function to support and strengthen the implementation of the duties and functions of the Papuan People’s Assembly Leadership, ensuring that policies and decisions taken can be implemented effectively for the protection and empowerment of the basic rights of Indigenous Papuans, seeing such a strategic role and function, then as Chairman of the Papuan People’s Assembly of Central Papua Province hopes for good cooperation to realize the spirit of Otsus, especially providing protection for the basic rights of Indigenous Papuans.

Article 20 paragraph (1) letter e of Law Number 2 of 2021 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua Province states that the Papuan People’s Assembly has the authority, among others:

  1. Pay attention to and channel aspirations,
  2. Complaints from indigenous peoples,
  3. Religious people,
  4. Women,
  5. The community in general concerning the rights of Indigenous Papuans,
  6. Facilitate follow-up settlement.

The organs of the Papuan People’s Assembly are required to have high responsiveness and this ability is important so that they can respond to various issues and needs faced by the Papuan people quickly and precisely, with good responsiveness the organs of the Papuan People’s Assembly can be more effective in supporting the leadership of the MRP to carry out its duties and functions in protecting and fighting for the basic rights of Indigenous Papuans.

In his speech, Agustinus Anggaibak, SM said that the Papuan People’s Assembly Association has been fighting for the rights of Indigenous Papuans and through various policies and recommendations, the Papuan People’s Assembly is trying to ensure that the political, economic, socio-cultural, customary and human rights of Indigenous Papuans are recognized and respected. This struggle includes efforts to improve the Special Autonomy Law and its implementing regulations so that they are more favorable to the interests and welfare of the OAP. Efforts that have been made by the MRP are that Candidates for Governor and Deputy Governor, Candidates for Regent and Deputy Regent, and Candidates for Mayor and Deputy Mayor proposed by the organizers of the Regional Head Election must be Indigenous Papuans.

The hopes conveyed by Agustinus Anggaibak, SM as Chairman of the Papuan People’s Assembly of Central Papua Province to the appointed Working Group Leaders and Honorary Council. As Chairman of the Papuan People’s Assembly, he hopes that the Chairperson of the Working Group and the Honorary Council of the Papuan People’s Assembly will:

  1. Maintain Integrity and Ethics: Always act with high integrity and comply with the code of ethics that will be established, so as to be a good example for all MRP members and the Papuan people.
  2. Work Effectively and Efficiently: Optimize performance in carrying out their respective duties and functions, with a focus on achieving real and beneficial results for the people of Papua.
  3. Prioritizing the Interests of Indigenous Papuans: Always placing the interests and rights of OAP as the top priority in every policy and decision taken.
  4. Strengthening Coordination and Cooperation: Improve coordination to ensure synergy and consistency in efforts to fight for the basic rights of OAP.
  5. Increase Responsiveness: Have the ability to respond to various issues and needs faced by the Papuan people, and provide quick and appropriate solutions.
  6. Conduct Evaluation and Supervision: Regularly evaluate and supervise the implementation of tasks and work programs to ensure that everything goes according to plan and has a positive impact. With strong cooperation and commitment from all leaders and members of the Papuan People’s Assembly, we can continue to fight for and protect the basic rights of indigenous Papuans for better welfare and justice.

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