West Papua Role in Indonesia’s National Development Agenda

West Papua – The infrastructure approach is from the most basic things: education to health services.

Since President Joko Widodo’s administration began, the commitment to deliver social justice for all Indonesian people in West Papua has been maintained.

Some West Papua’s Role in Indonesia’s National Development Agenda

President Joko Widodo has always emphasized that the current national development must be oriented towards Papua and West Papua for the sake of advancing the country.

The Head of State, since the beginning of his administration, said he wanted to build a centric Indonesia starting from the land of Papua.

So, here are a few of West Papua’s roles in Indonesia’s National development agenda:

1. Infrastructure Development

The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing or PUPR continues to pursue good infrastructure development in Papua and West Papua.

It aims to reduce the high poverty rate, the expensive index, and the equitable distribution of infrastructure development.

To support this, the Ministry of PUPR is taking breakthrough steps in infrastructure development in a more integrated, precise, focused,

And synergistic manner with ministries/agencies and local governments.

To create reliable infrastructure and answer the challenges faced in West Papua, the Ministry of PUPR is committed to carrying out four programs.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Public Works and Housing conducts construction service human resource training involving indigenous Papuan

And West Papuan partners to support human resource capacity development.

In addition, the Ministry of PUPR also empowers local business actors with limited tenders for construction work packages at self-estimated prices between IDR 1 – 2.5 billion.

2. To Drive the People’s Economy

The Indonesian government continues to be committed to realizing the West Papua through the Cenderawasih Bay Sail or STC, which will be held in 2023.

STC 2023 plays a role as a national agenda to drive the people’s economy in the Land of Papua.

The Papua Provincial Government, West Papua Provincial Government, and nine districts in the Cenderawasih Bay area have agreed on the Mansinam Understanding, which emphasizes five things.

First, make a work team for STC and develop the concept of the 2022 Cenderawasih Bay Festival Activity Calendar and the 2023 STC.

Second, develop strategic programs and activities to accelerate the development of West Papua.

He was third, pushing STC 2023 into the legal umbrella for accelerating the development of Papua.

Fourth, encourage support, cooperation, and collaboration across ministries and institutions. Fifth, preparing for the launch of the STC 2023 in Jakarta on an international scale.

3. Ongoing Assistance

Three years of President Joko Widodo’s administration, he laid out two models of approaches in efforts to develop Papua.

The first thing to learn is the infrastructure approach, then the human resource approach.

These regulations are include in the national medium-term development plan, particularly for Papua. It is a national priority program.

The government ensures that the development of human resources does not only have to fulfill the right to education and health.

However, assistance is also ongoing, in addition to budget allocations that must be on target.

The government’s policy of increasing the special autonomy fund by 2.25 percent. From the national general allocation fund’s ceiling will make Papua more positive.

The existence of the budget flow would be a strong reason for strengthening communication between the central government

And all regional governments in Papua to accelerate development in various fields.

There are targets that relevant stakeholders must fulfill. From the regional autonomy policy, the government proves that public services are getting closer to the community.

This convenience will have an impact on West Papua’s economic growth.



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