Distribution of Ballot Papers for the General Election in Papua

Ahead of the simultaneous regional head elections in all regions in Indonesia in November, the General Election Commission has begun coordinating with the general election organizing committees throughout Indonesia regarding the distribution of ballots. The company that is given the responsibility to produce the ballots and also the entire distribution process, namely Gramedia, ensures that in October, the entire ballot preparation process will be completed. The estimated arrival of the ballots in Papua, especially in Jayapura, is at the end of October. The Jayapura Regency General Election Commission invites interested parties in Jayapura to prepare everything needed related to the preparation of the arrival of the ballots for the general election.

The Jayapura Regency General Election Commission has a logistics warehouse that is used to store everything needed for the regional head elections. For now, the logistics warehouse only stores ballot boxes or booths. Although Papua is famous for its local wisdom, namely using noken as a replacement for ballot booths, the election organizers still provide ballot booths to store ballots. The Jayapura Regency Regional Government has also assigned security personnel from the Indonesian National Army and the Indonesian National Police to help maintain the security of the logistics warehouse.

Jayapura Regency has five pairs of candidates for regent and vice regent. Candidate pair number 01 is Ted Yones Mokay and Haji Supardi. Candidate pair number 02 is Yunus Wonda and Haris Yocku. Candidate pair number 03 is Jan Jaap Ormuserai and Asrin Rante Tasak. Candidate pair number 04 is Yohannis Manangsang Wally and Daniel Mebri. Candidate pair number 05 is Alpius Toam and Giri Wijayontoro. The five candidate pairs for regent and deputy regent of Jayapura Regency are Indigenous Papuans as a requirement of the Special Autonomy applied throughout Papua that regional leaders must be Indigenous Papuans.

The distribution process of ballot papers from Jakarta to Jayapura will be processed directly by the Jayapura Regency General Election Commission. In addition to distribution, after the ballot papers arrive in Jayapura, the plan is that the ballot papers will go through a direct sorting, folding, and packing process. So that when November comes, it is certain that all logistics needed for the regional head election process will be simultaneously distributed directly to polling stations spread throughout Jayapura Regency.

The expectation regarding the ballot distribution process is that everything runs smoothly and there are no errors, be it errors in counting the required ballots or the ballots not being damaged when they arrive in Jayapura. Gramedia as the company that produces and distributes the ballots also needs to establish further coordination regarding the ballot distribution process from Jakarta to Jayapura. So that the distribution process carried out can be monitored together.

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