Coordination Meeting to Prepare for the General Election of Regional Heads in South West Papua Province

Badan Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik Provinsi Papua Barat Daya melaksanakan Rapat Koordinasi

The National Unity and Political Agency of Southwest Papua Province held a Coordination Meeting to prepare for the upcoming provincial elections at the end of the year. The coordinating meeting was held by inviting the parties participating in the elections, i.e. Chairman of the General Election Commissions and Chairman of the South West Papua Province General Election Supervisory. The coordination meeting held at the Aston Sorong Hotel in South West Papua in 2024 June 26 was a continuation of the previous meeting in Jayapura. In addition to the coordination meeting of all interested and responsible parties in the upcoming regional elections, this meeting also plans to sign a declaration on safe and peaceful regional elections in the Southwest Papua region.

Mohammad Musa’ad, Acting Governor of South West Papua Province, was also present and delivered a message to the participants of the coordination meeting. Among other things, there are five important things that the Acting Governor of South West Papua Province hopes to implement so that the parallel provincial government elections at the end of the year can begin. The five are the protection of morals and ethics, the protection of human rights, the protection of the fundamental rights of Papuan indigenous people, the rule of law and the development of democracy. These five elements are a form of special autonomy implemented in the South West Papua region, which gives special rights to the indigenous people of Papua. It is expected that voters will also think about special autonomy in the upcoming elections. The development of democracy is very important for the people of South West Papua to understand how the democratic system works and at the same time strive to make democracy with special values ​​of autonomy a reality. It is also expected that more attention will be paid to the rights of Papuan indigenous people, so that the people feel protected by keeping the democratic party, giving them the opportunity to choose the regional leaders of their choice.

South West Papua Regional Director of Politics and General Elections Togap Simangunsong also attended the coordination meeting for the simultaneous regional presidential election. He also advised all parties at the meeting to invite the community, including indigenous Papuans living in the province of South West Papua, to give them the right to vote. The success of parliamentary elections is said to depend on three key indicators: safe and smooth in accordance with existing rules, high voter turnout and no conflicts.

The regional elections, which will also be held in the South West Papua region, are expected to be successful. Safe and smooth conditions are expected according to the rules also laid down. The public must understand the rules that apply in elections. Policymakers and stakeholders are also expected to be able to explain existing rules and remind the public to avoid violations. Voter turnout is also expected to reach high numbers. In fact, all citizens, including indigenous Papuans on the permanent electoral roll of the South West Papua region, should exercise their right to vote for regional governor candidates according to their conscience. Finally, of course, it is hoped that before, during and after the elections, there will be no conflicts that could cause problems.

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