Arfak Tribe’s Optimism to Make Regional Head Elections in Papua a Success

The simultaneous Regional Head Elections in Indonesia will be held at the end of 2024. The event, which is included as a national agenda attended by all elements of society who are Indonesian citizens, requires a lot of preparation to be carried out properly. The preparations made are not only from the General Election Commission which must prepare all kinds of equipment needed for the general election process, including the readiness of the regional head candidates to be elected, to campaign attributes and many other things. Preparations ahead of the general election are a shared responsibility that needs to be carried out in order to create an ideal general election that guarantees the right to vote and also the right to be elected.

The Arfak Tribe is one of the elements of society which is the indigenous people of West Papua Province which still exists today. The Arfak Tribe supports an ideal general election and wants to participate in making the national agenda to be held in November a success. As part of Indonesian citizens, of course the Arfak Tribe feels that they have a great responsibility to be able to carry out general elections in accordance with their principles, namely direct, general, free, secret, honest, and fair. The principles of the general election must be fulfilled and become a shared responsibility for its implementation so that the general election process can be said to run smoothly from beginning to end.

The Indonesian National Police in West Papua Province collaborated with representatives from the Arfak Tribe to attend a focus group discussion in preparation for the simultaneous regional head elections in Indonesia. One of the representatives from the Arfak Tribe was the tribal chief, Dominggus Mandacan. The focus group discussion went smoothly because the discussion was carried out by exchanging opinions between participants. In addition to the police and the Arfak Tribe, the focus group discussion was attended by several representatives from community leaders such as religious leaders who provided suggestions regarding the general election that would be held.

The conclusion of the focus group discussion ahead of the general election was how all elements of society in West Papua Province agreed to fight together to carry out great responsibilities so that the general election that would take place could be carried out ideally and peacefully without any significant problems. One of the most vocal in the discussion was a representative from the Arfak Tribe who was enthusiastic because this was the first regional head election for West Papua Province as one of the newly legalized provinces in Indonesia. The Arfak tribe is optimistic that the general election to be held can run smoothly, peacefully, and of course in accordance with the principles of general elections in Indonesia.

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