Young Papuans Proactive Farmers Behind Coffee’s Development in Papua

People’s need for coffee is now becoming a social trend. This bitter drink has become a necessity. The variety of processed coffee notes makes you think the coffee is bitter, when it is not. For example, Javanese sugar milk coffee is one of the processed coffee drinks that is a mandatory menu item in almost all cafes in Indonesia. One of the raw materials for the production of processed coffee drinks is, of course, the coffee beans themselves. Papua, as one of Indonesia’s provinces with large and fertile land, has potential in the coffee sector. Agricultural land spread from end to end means that Papua can grow a variety of coffees that can meet the needs of the Indonesian market, even if the crop can be exported.

There is no doubt that changes over time and advances in technology are one of the reasons why coffee farming has been revived. It can be said that in 2018 coffee cultivation in Papua was underdeveloped. Even in one harvest year, only about 300 kg can be sold. This amount certainly does not correspond to the available potential, such as land area and soil fertility. The role of the young generation with advanced technology has revived coffee cultivation. From learning to understand what types of coffee can be grown in Papua, to processing and selling the crop. As I said at the beginning, coffee has become a necessity these days.

One type of coffee that has a high price in the market is Arabica coffee grown in Manokwari. Coffee plants are planted in traditional forest areas as well as protected forests. The management of the coffee factory is therefore in the hands of the local communities in Papua, who have the right to manage their customary land without fear of exploitation by other countries. Cooperation is the key to the success of coffee farming in Papua. Young farmers who are actively growing coffee and are very interested in further education really need guidance and support from other countries.

The Ministry of Agriculture also provides assistance to young farmers engaged in coffee cultivation. Training, advisory and empowerment work is also carried out in collaboration with the Agricultural Standards Institute, where experienced coffee growers contribute their knowledge.

Another assistance provided in this partnership process is the provision of coffee plant seeds and how to deal with it, so that young Papuan farmers can take care of their coffee plants. When it’s time to harvest, Papuan coffee farmers are no longer confused about where to sell it. Papuan Arabica coffee, like Manokwari Coffee, already has fans and a market ready to buy and harvest. In fact, these buyers always look forward to the harvest because it is said to have the unique taste of Manokwari Arabica coffee.

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