THE AVAILABILITY OF SUFFICIENT SUPPLIES: “Papua Provincial Government Assures Stable Prices Of Basic Materials Post Eid”

PAPUA – Provincial Government of Papua, through the local Department of Industry and Trade, stated that the prices of basic necessities in the local area were monitored to be stable after Eid al-Fitr 1445 H, as well as ensuring that the Papua Provincial Government’s supplies were safe.

On Thursday The Head of the Trade Development Division, Papua Industry and Trade Service Herman Bleskadit: From monitoring, the prices of rice, cooking oil and others were still under control and supplies were able to meet people’s needs. So that the price spike in basic necessities after Eid al-Fitr 1445 H does not occur. People can rest assured because this means their basic needs can be met because supplies are also controlled.

In addition after that statement, Herman said: ” as the price of premium rice, although it experienced an increase in the previous month, is still considered stable, as is the case with cooking oil.”

According to Herman, this is also the case with agricultural commodities ranging from chilies to large chilies, which experienced price spikes before Eid but are now starting to stabilize again.

“Like the price of chilies before Eid, the price reached IDR 150 thousand per kilo, now it can be reduced to IDR 80 thousand per kilo, then there are large chilies whose price reached IDR 130 thousand per kilo, now the price has dropped to IDR 70 thousand per kilo and garlic IDR 80 thousand per kilo, now IDR 50 thousand per kilo.”

According the previous statement if during the monitoring activities on prices of basic commodities, the party did not find any rogue traders, “the price increases have all become normal, because it is the influence of stock, not the influence of price games from individual traders,”

Meanwhile, The Chairman of the Papua Province Indonesian Retail Entrepreneurs Association (Aprindo) Haris Manuputi said “Stocks of basic commodities were still relatively safe and had not increased and the situation can be happen because Eid has just finished, there is still a lot of stock and then there will be no increase”.

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