Successful National Zakat Amil Agency Program Becomes Champion at the 2024 Eastern Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival

The Eastern Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival is an annual event held by the Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival in collaboration with Bank Indonesia. The aim of holding this festival is to support the development of sharia finance and economics in various regions in Indonesia and in this case the Eastern Indonesia region, including Papua. The theme raised this time is Synergy to Strengthen the Resilience and Revival of the Sharia Economy in the Eastern Region of Indonesia. There are two main activities in this year’s festival, namely the Sharia Economic Fair and the Sharia Fair. The first main activity, namely the Sharia Economic Fair, is seminars and workshops related to sharia finance and economics. Meanwhile, the second main activity, namely the Sharia Fair, is a kind of market containing outlets attended by halal industry business players, sharia financial institutions, and also Islamic boarding schools with economic potential.

One of the participants taking part in the 2024 Eastern Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival series of events is the National Amil Zakat Agency for the Papua region. This body, better known as Baznas, is a body that is included in the non-structural government institutions that have the authority, duties and policies that regulate and manage zakat, infaq and alms. Baznas Papua manages all matters regarding zakat, infaq and alms in Papua through superior programs in various fields.

The assistance managed by Baznas Papua is assistance in five fields ranging from economics, health, education, disaster emergency response, and also religion. These programs have achieved quite positive results and their impact can be felt by all people in Papua without exception. The programs implemented by Baznas Papua succeeded in winning 1st place in the KTI Leading Zakat, Infaq, Alms and Waqf Institution Competition at the 2024 Eastern Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival.

The flagship program owned by Baznas Papua and which has been successfully implemented among the people in Papua is stunting alleviation which is implemented in three districts, namely Jayapura District, Sarmi District and Keerom District. The implementation of this health program involves Bank Indonesia Papua Region to make it smoother. Positive results were achieved with a reduction in stunting rates in the three districts. Such programs make Baznas Papua have a good assessment among the community, especially those who feel the impact directly.

It is hoped that the implementation of the program designed by Baznas Papua in various fields will continue. The appreciation received at the 2024 Eastern Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival will increase enthusiasm for members of Baznas Papua in managing this agency to provide great benefits to communities in all regions in Papua, not limited to certain districts.

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