South West Papua Pioneers Sustainable Tourism

The Tourism Office of South West Papua Province has a desire to improve the quality and develop tourism in the province. One form of tourism development that is considered appropriate in today’s era is developing sustainable tourism. What is meant by sustainable tourism is about how tourism can drive many other things in a better direction such as driving the community’s economy and most importantly how tourism can be one of the supporters of environmental sustainability. In order to realize this desire, the Tourism Office of South West Papua Province has collaborated with several parties through the launch of the Wonderful Indonesia Sustainable Experience Trips (WISE Trips) South West Papua program.

Sustainable tourism has continuity with tourism that can reduce carbon emissions and even participate in preserving nature. The people of South West Papua who realize the importance of nature around them because they live from natural resources also support the WISE Trips program which is considered to have various economic benefits and at the same time helps the community to protect nature. Interesting tourism in South West Papua Province is natural tourism that is stunning and able to attract tourists to visit. One of the famous natural attractions is the Sorong Nature Tourism Park which is also the venue for the inauguration of WISE Trips through a launching event attended by the local government, security forces, investors, and the general public on September 23rd.

Global climate change is a challenge for natural attractions throughout Indonesia. Therefore, low-carbon tourism is a must for tourism managers in order to overcome existing problems. In addition, another challenge that needs to be faced is tourism that can provide economic benefits to the surrounding community in the natural environment and also does not damage existing natural conditions. WISE Trips is a flagship program from the government that is expected to be able to answer all kinds of challenges in the tourism sector, both regarding climate change challenges and economic challenges.

The hope from the inauguration of WISE Trips is that the people of South West Papua can maximize their natural potential as a tourist attraction and be able to increase economic income. In addition, the natural attractions that are owned will be adjusted to the culture that exists in the community, namely to continuously maintain the sustainability of nature so that its benefits can be felt by future generations. The economy of communities that depend on tourism is also expected to continue to increase along with the inauguration of WISE Trips. Low-carbon tourism, reducing emissions, and increasing community income is a solution packaged in the WISE Trips program and it is also expected that the community will monitor the implementation of the program so that the results are optimal.

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