Papua Mountains Provincial Government Chooses Tagime District as Meeting Location: Has Tourism Potential

Papua Pegunungan – In an effort to develop the potential of Tagime Village, Jayawijaya Regency, the Papua Pegunungan Provincial Government through the Population, Civil Registration and Village Community Empowerment Office, held an activity entitled Facilitation of Rural Area Development.

The activity was centered at the Regional Office of the Kemah Injil Indonesia Church (GKII) Tagime District, Jayawijaya Regency, which was attended by 11 village heads throughout Tagime District and was opened directly by the Expert Staff of the Governor of Papua Mountains for Finance, Economy and Development, Tunggul Wijaya Pangabean.

Also present and accompanying Tunggul Wijaya Pangabean was the Head of the Population, Civil Registration and Community and Village Empowerment Office, Dr. Margaretha Rumbekwan, S.Sos, MSi.

On that occasion, Expert Staff of the Governor of Papua Mountains for Finance, Economy and Development, Tunggul Wijaya Pangabean said, this activity is very important because it is a form of collaboration between villages. “This is the initial program made by the Papua Mountains Provincial Government through the Population and Civil Registration Office and Community and Village Empowerment,” he explained.

He further explained that the output of these activities is expected that villages in Tagime District can develop through the potential of each village in order to provide benefits in improving the economy for the community. “I see an extraordinary breakthrough, here we see the core that will become material for development, both in the tourism, agriculture and fisheries sectors,” he said.

For the Expert Staff of the Governor of Papua Mountains for Finance, Economy and Development, Tunggul Wijaya Pangabean, it has a positive impact on the local community. Therefore, his party will provide training in accordance with the potentials possessed by the people of the eleven District Villages.

Meanwhile, Head of the Population and Civil Registration and Community and Village Empowerment Office, Dr. Margaretha Rumbekwan, S.Sos, M.Si, said that the government chose Tagime District as a meeting point for four districts because it has tourism potential that must be managed optimally.

“This district is a meeting point between 4 districts including Tolikara, Lanny Jaya, Central Mamberamo, and Jayawijaya Main District,” she explained.

It is hoped that later this area will increase its superiority such as tourism and agro-tourism which will drive the economy of the people in Tagime District,” he explained. He also added, the activity will be held in 7 other districts in the Papua Mountains Province while seeing the potential that exists in the area.

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