Ganemo Leather Bag Making Training for Papuan Women

MERAUKE – The South Papua Youth, Sports, Tourism and Creative Economy Office through the Tourism and Creative Economy sector organized training in making ganemo leather bags attended by 50 Papuan women from 4 districts, namely, Asmat, Mappi, Merauke and Boven Digoel.

The activity which lasted for four days, specifically to train the making of bags made from ganemo tree bark, was opened directly by Assistant II South Papua, Sunarjo, Monday (02/09/2024).

The acting head of the tourism and creative economy sector of the South Papua Youth, Sports, Tourism and Creative Economy Office, who is also the Chairperson of the Committee, Sidik Weriuw, revealed that the training activities were carried out with the aim of developing interest, as well as motivating the community to plunge into the world of entrepreneurship in the development of business management, especially making genemo tree bark bags.

Meanwhile, the Head of the South Papua Youth, Sports, Tourism and Creative Economy Office, Soleman Jambormias, emphasized that the activities funded by the Special Autonomy fund are really well utilized, so that they can boost the creative economic development of indigenous Papuans, especially Papuan women in the 4 districts participating in this training.

“This program must be clear, not just run and must provide benefits, developed. No less important is the need for assistance and marketing so that it can generate money to fulfill family life,” he said.

On the same occasion Assistant II, Sunarjo, appreciated the training activities for making bags made from ganemo leather as a community empowerment program.

According to him, the results or production of typical Papuan bags or noken are in great demand by consumers outside the region.

“This activity is very good, so it is hoped that the participants can follow it well and can be developed for a source of family economic income,” he concluded.

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