Forms of Special Autonomy Fund Support for Indigenous Papuan Ecraf Actors

JAYAPURA – The Papua Special Autonomy Fund (Otsus) has two types, namely specific grants and block grants. If block grants are used for more general development programs, specific grants are allocated specifically for programs that have a direct impact on indigenous Papuans (OAP).

One example of the use of specific grants is in the organization of photo and video competitions recently held by the Papua Province Culture and Tourism Office.

In this context, the specific use of the grant demonstrates the government’s commitment to empowering young Papuans. By limiting participation to native Papuans, the competition provides a fairer opportunity for them to develop their talents and creativity, and contribute to the promotion of Papuan culture and tourism.

The decision to limit participation to native Papuans is often questionable,” said Boni Asso, Head of Creative Economy at the Papua Provincial Culture and Tourism Office, (24/9).

However, Boni explained, the funds used for this competition were sourced from a specific special autonomy grant which was allocated directly to the OAP community.

“It’s different if it’s a block grant, so even though participation is less, this activity is expected to be useful for empowering indigenous Papuan children, both photographers and videographers who have been working,” he added.

The works produced not only enrich the cultural treasures of Papua, but also open up opportunities for the development of the tourism sector and creative economy.

“We hope that this activity can inspire young Papuans to continue working and contributing to regional development.” Boni added, later the best works from this competition will become valuable assets for the promotion of Papua tourism.

“We have cooperation with Angkasapura, so the results of this competition will be displayed in their various promotional media,” said Boni.

This is expected to attract domestic and foreign tourists to visit Papua. Thus, this competition not only provides a platform for the creativity of young Papuans, but also contributes to the development of the tourism sector and the regional economy.

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